chapter 12

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Karthik Pov:

" Ok Mr.Kumar... Book the tickets for New York " I told kumar as it is urgent project we are dealing with and I can't take any risk a we will suffer will huge crisis. I can send anyone but doing work of our own interest can make us feel more happy than anything. 

" Yes sir " he said and I've hung up the call now I just want to see what happening downstairs. So I walked downstairs and I found my mom sitting on sofa with anger face. 

Pls god!! Don't make me the reason for her anger.

"Mom can you give me coffee " I asked my mom to test the situation.

She glared at me . Now no one can save me. Even my dad is also at my home:(.

But, What have I done now?  Why is she glaring at me??

"What happened now?" I asked as I can't find the reason.

"Where are till now ? Can't you even find time to say bye to Ridima?" She almost yelled at me. 

omg!!!Now even my mom is shouting at me becoz of her??? 

Why I have to give her value when she don't value me. Till now there is no person in my life who ignored my words. Even my parents don't say no to me or ignored me. But, this girl hurt my ego to the core and I can't forget that easily. 

" karthik call Ridu and bid her bye as she is departing tomorrow. " my mom said sorry she ordered me. Who can say no to mam's order so I agreed instanly. 

Oh god when these two ladies became this much close . My mom is calling her Ridu. If this goes the situation then I can't assume my future when Radio came to my house. 

" Ok mom, I will call" i said to cool her and I can see her facial expressions change a bit.

But how can I call her when i don't even have her phone number??

" Make a note... This is her number " my mom told giving her phone.

With what name shall I save her name?? Shall I save fiance?? No this is to much?? Shall I save sweetheart?? This will be really weird when some one see. 

Ok let me save" RADIO" this is the apt name for her:)

I took the mobile and walked back to my room and took the phn to call her but stopped remembering her behaviour...!!

Ridima pov:

I am about to open the door but the door opened making me shock. Mr.Rude is standing in front of me with his stupid wink on her face. 

How does our actions coincide always? Are we really made for each other?

I don't belive in like this stuff but this concidence is making me to bealive so.

He is telling me something but I am not interested to listen and started walking  towards the door ignoring his words as I can't hurt more. 

I assumed that he would shout at me but thank God he didn't or else I would have a strong fight with her. 

I walked back to hall and found my mom accompanied by all our family members discussing about my wedding. 

"Ridu are you alright now?" My Sasuma (mother in law) asked.

She is so caring and loving. Why didn't her son have even one quality of her😣. At least caring which a normal girl expects from her husband. Ohh did I tell husband. What's there to feel weird now I am his fiance and after some time he will be my husband...

"Yes mom I'm fine "I said

She hugged me. Why is she hugging me all of a sudden?

" Beta I am so happy now. This is first time you called me mom. I always wanted a daughter" she said.

Ohh god why didn't you made her wish true. If thta would have happened then I would have struck in this marriage.

Yes I feel her like my mom . I called her mom heart fully. 

" Ridu shall we move? As you are leaving tomorrow you need to pack a lot of things" My mom asked.

We all are about to leave when suddenly Nandu bhai shouted to stop. Why he always shouts!?

" Wait for a while. I'll call karthik "he said

We are waiting in the hall and Nandu came downstairs down sadly. 

" Sorry bhabhi. He is  in an important call" Nandu said

My face lightened up to hear his last words but immediately I changed the expressions as it will be weird if anyone has observed me.

We reached home and it's around 8 pm. Such a long and tried day. I just want to jump on bed then my mom shouted from down stairs.

"Ridu... pack all your belongings as you have to move tommorow" my mom said but it's the duty of every girl child to ignore her mothers words and do what she want I also did the same. As now I'm not in a mood to do any work. I just jumped  onto my bed but the sleep was far away.

Beoz of the drama that is happening in my life. How can ones life's cahge in such a shirt span of time. 

Why he didn't came down stairs? Is he angry on me ? So many doubts are running in my brain. I even don't know why I am paying so much interest to him. I don't know when I dozed in to sleep but I had a sound and solid sleep after a long time.

My phn started ringing. I picked the call even without seeing the name. This is the worst habit of mine which I can't change.

"Hello is Ridu ? Do you remember me ?" voice rang in  my ears. 

"Who are you?" I asked but there is no response. Is he Mr. Rude? How can he be when  he is not my phone number. 

Ohh Ridu are you under estimating kathik Chouhan. He can get anything to him just by a call just like he made me his. 

Who called Ridima?

Is he karthik who called her?

Keep guessing till next chapter

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