Chapter 55

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Ridima pov

I Love you" The only words which rang in my ears. He said something but I didn't hear anything. Finally he proposed me making me the happiest person in world.

I ran to him and jumped on himlost his balance and we are on ground twisting but he wrapped his arms around me so that I will not get hurt. Aww how sweet my husband is..

He started to kiss me all over my face making butterflies in my stomach.

Karthik lets go inside" I said and he lifted me in arms taking to a small cottage.

He took me room and I am awstruck to see. It is dimly lit with candles the fragrance is driving me crazy. The bed is filled with rose petals and I saw him with puppy eyes and he just smirked at me.

He placed me gently on bed and  came near me and I moved back till I reach the other end of bed.

He came top of me and saw me with a confused eye's.

He occupied my lips. At first the kiss is normal but soon it turned in to a passionate one.

We parted eachother when we are out of breath. I breathed heavily he saw me and again captured my lips.

Shall we?" He asked and I nodded shyly thinking what coming next.

With this he hovered over me and I witnessed his love.

I woke up when my stupid phn is ringing continously.

Karthik attended the call" I muttered in sleep.

It's your phn biwi" he said tightening the grip around my waist.

Let me see who is on call" I said kissing his cheek and he loosen the hold.

It's from my papa. I know he called to wish me and I felt very happy.

I am talking with my mom standing in balcony suddenly hands wrapped around me and I shouted.

It's me Ridu" Karthik said

You frightened me" I said glaring at him.

Ok then I will end the call. Come to home for lunch" mom said laughing.

This man will never change he will always throws me in to embarrassing situation.

What do you want Karthik?" I said faking anger

I got what I want" He said and I blushed understanding what he meant.

Again my phn rang and now it's from Karthik's mom.

Ridu happy birthday beta.." both mom and papa said in unison and I thanked them.

When you are returning to home?" Mom asked

We will return in 1 hr mom" I said but Karthik interrupted me.

Mom we will be going on a vacation" he said and I glared at him and left from there.

I am sitting on bed and he came and sat beside me.

What happened? Are you anger at me?" He asked

I want to go to home" I said

Why? I have planned this day"

We will leave to home first and then we will go out" I said keeping puppy face as I know my husband can't deny if I ask like this.

You know how to convince me" he said and I hugged him.

By the time I came out he is not in room and then I saw a cover on bed with a note placed on it.

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