chapter 50

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I wanna dedicate this chapter to all my friends( classmates) you all are so supportive guys. Thank you so much...

Aarav pov

We are friends from college I don't know when I have fallen for her.

I thought to propose her but she went to her cousin's marriage. I have deliberately waiting for her return.

When she came she started avoiding me and Likith. I don't know what happened. I have even enquired Nisha, vardhini but the output is zero.

We have finished our exams and all of us planned a outing and I thought it is the perfect timing and proposed her but she left in tears leaving me in confusion.

Finally our convocation day arrived. She topped in academics and I am happy for that. She is coming down the stage and I hugged her with my concern all the crowd stared shouting" Ridima loves Aarav".
Listening to the shouts my lips occupied a smile but she immediately pulled me away.

In all this I found her watching the person on dias with a fear in her eyes.

I don't know he is the person who is marrying my Ridu. I saw her crying sitting on corridor and I caught her hand but she slapped me. This is the first time I have beaten my someone.

Anyways she is my Ridu and I didn't concerned it. After that she completely ignored not only me but also Likith.

Later she told me that she is engaged to Karthik Chouhan making everyone shock. I don't know how to react before I would react Likith dragged me away.

There after I didn't find her, later came to know that she left to her home and getting married in few days.

I am silent all the time. I don't know what to do. Then a phn call came from her papa inviting me and Likith to her marriage.

Do you know how it will feels to attend the marriage of our love. But I went there without leaving the chance a convince her.

She is not listening to me then I caught her in my arms and he saw both of us.

He caught my collar and the most worst part is he is shouting at her. I can't resist that and asked him to leave but he spoke something wrong which I didn't payed any attention as it is good to see them fighting.

I thought he will call off the marriage but he called me to his guest house. The only way to get my Ridu back is creating differences between them so I intentionally called her and shouted to" save me".

He beated me brutally. He will pay for his definitely and her for not understanding my love.

They both will know how it feels when we missed our loved ones.

I left them some time so that they will fall for each other. Now their miserable days will start.

Ridima pov

"Friends"   these is the word which came out of my mouth without my concern.

I walked from there with sadness for what I have done.

"So sorted out" Puja asked and I nodded my head.

"Let's go for cantin" My another friend said and I nodded.

It's evg , Karthik came to pick me up. I am happy after so many days as he spent some time for me.

"Hai busy bussiness man" I said sarcastically.

"Yes Mrs. Busy bussiness man" he said teasingly.

Finally remembered your wife"

When did I forgot to remember?" He said raising highbrow and I blushed for his words.

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