chapter 31

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Ridima pov

He started walking towards me.  I don't know why but my heart beat begin to raise.

His every step making me scared and shy. I am moving back and hit the back of bed.

"I am not..." I am saying but he took pillow and saw me with a question mark in his face.

God....what I said? What he will think about me? My mouth always speaks in correct time. How can I face him?

I gained courage and saw him. He just winked at me laughing
Why he is laughing?

Then suddenly he came near to me. We are so close to each other.

"I know...lets have some time " he said still laughing  and walked towards couch.

Is he really understanding? I should agree he is looking handsome😊😊. I dozed in to sleep watching him sleeping.

I got up at 3 am remembering that I am in his clothes and I have to go out.

Oh..God what shall I do now? Shall I wake up him? No..Why I should  I take his help? Let me do it myself.

With that thought I walked out of the room making sure not to distrub his sleep. 

I opened the door and walked towards the steps but I hit a table and screamed holding my leg and I saw him infront of me.

"What are you doing here and that to at this hour?" He asked in a sleep.

"I am....just... " I am telling him but he caught my hand took me to room.

"Now tell me" he said.

"I want to get fresh up. So I want my luggage" I said.

"Are you out of mind? Getting fresh at this hour" he asked in  a werid way.

"I just want to bath now" I said in a conforming my decision.

"Do whatever you want but with out disturbing me" he said ruthlessly. 

How can he say like that? Anyway I don't want his help I thought and tried to walk but I screamed in pain.

"Tell me what are you up to?" He asked again.

"Actually I want to change in to my clothes" I said.

"Ok..but why..." he said in a sleepy tone.

"I am in your clothes" I said feeling shy.

"So what..What shall I do now?" He asked now in a restless tone.

I can't understand his mood swings. How can he change suddenly?

"I have to face mom. Shall I face her in your dress" I asked him.

"Yes what will happen if you face mom" he said simply.

"Nothing will happen. You go and sleep" I said started walking with difficulty and he suddenly dragged me towards him.

"Where are you going with that difficulty? Tell me na I will do" he said keeping my starid of my hair aside.

I know by this time my cheeks would have turned into red. What he is doing?

"I want my luggage" I said pulling him away.

"Ok fine then I will bring. You wait here" he said and walked out of the room.

I am waiting for him to come and he came lifting my heavy bag.

"By chance have you packed all your house in this bag?" He said sarcastically.

"No...still I forgot to bring many things" I said.

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