chapter 34

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Ridima pov

I went to my room immediately after he said that he is drunk.

I hate drinking even it is occasionally. He came after sometime but I acted as I am sleeping.

He took the bed sheet and slept on couch. How can he drink? Anyways I wont talk with him.

It have been two days I talked with him actually encountered him. By the time he woke up I went out of the room till he left to office I used to stay in kitchen even at night I used to sleep. He tried to talk at beginning but later gave up.

I am in kitchen arranging tiffin for papa. Mom and papa are settled and I don't know about him.

Ridu...come fast even Karthik has came" Mom said

I sent dishes with kittu bhai  to not to go infront of him.

Ridu...come na you also have your breakfast" Mom called this time I can't deney her.

I went and saw him but he didn't saw me and busy in eating.

So Karthik tell me where are you going for honeymoon" papa asked him

Honeymoon" we both said in unison.

Haa yes why you both are reacting like that" mom asked.

No..not like that" he said and started eating.

Tell me which place you both have decided" papa asked

Anywhere papa her choice" he said and went upstairs.

What does he mean by her choice? I don't want to go anywhere with him. I went to room in full rage.

What do mean by her choice? I am not interested in going anywhere" I said actually shouted on him.

Even I too don't have interest I just said to make you talk with me" he said smiling. hell" I said and turned to go but he caught my hand and pushed me near to him.

Sorry yaar...I will never drink again" He said in my ear.

Who the stupid will tell sorry like this? I nodded and pushed him away.

Tell mom that we are not interested to go anywhere" I demanded

Why should I if you are not interested tell her by yourself" he said winking.

Stupid few seconds back he told that he is not interested but now he changed his mind. I went out.

Mom I am going to office" he said and started walking.

Karthik why are going without telling bye to Ridima" mom asked and he turned back towards me.

Bye Radio" he said that too infront of mom

Bye" I said simply as I can't say anything infront of mom.

It's evening and from morning I am wondering around mom to tell that we are not going to honeymoon but I didn't have courage.

Maa...We are not going..." I am saying to mom but phn rang.

She went to pick the call and started crying

Mom what happened?" I said going to her

She is crying continously I don't know what to do. I am asking her but she is not answering me.

Mom please tell me or how can I understand why you are crying" I asked hopping her to speak. bhai...have meet with an accident call papa we have to go" she said

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