chapter 41

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Karthik pov

" hubby is angry now?" She asked me coming in front of me.

Yes I got anger this is the first time someone is controlling me till today no one defended me but now she is even not allowing me to take a single shot. I am in my thoughts then she kissed my cheek and my anger faded in a few seconds.....this is what called as love I think as we can't be anger with our loved ones for more time.

I know if I speak all these words in front of Nandu he will definitely make fun of me what to do my wife is making me to think like this.....

"Want one more shot" she asked naughtly this girl is becoming more naughty now a days...

" I can't get enough of you wify" I said smirking to change the topic she asked us to leave

She asked to leave as she is sleepy I asked her to be awake as I know it is dangerous...god knows how much difficulty I faced to keep her awake....I talked all the stupid stuff but she is just saying monosyllabic

All the way she is taunting me all the way . But why she is sleepy today she can watch Tv dramas up to late hours but what happened today.....

We reached home and she immediately went to room but how can I let her sleep empty stomach so I cooked I know she will come for me down and as to my guess she came and I feed her and suddenly tears rolled down her cheeks.

Why is she crying? What happened to her suddenly? Is the food spicy? I even asked her that but she said nothing then I thought may be she remembered her mother....and I thought to make a visit to them tomorrow.

As usually I took blanket and started walking towards the couch but she asked me to sleep in bed initially I felt happy for her decision but it doesn't took long time to vain my happiness as sleep is far away I don't know why I am feeling strange I want to pull her in to my arms but...what if she gets anger I turned to her side and found her in the same situation that made me more happy as she is also feeling the same for me....

I think it works" I said pulling her in to my arms she rested her head in my chest and I drifted in to a deep sleep..

"Karthik.....get up open your eyes why you got this much high temperature ?" Then I woke up from slumber and found her in a sad face.

She sat beside me not even leaving me just a second till doctor came she did some home remedies I didn't want to offended her as I can see her near to me.

Doctor prescribed some medicines she gave those after my breakfast when I got feaver my mom used to worry than me but now she is worrying so there is another women in my life to worry about me and I am more happy for it.

But  why is she worried?

"Ridu...I am fine now" I said to make her realise that I have recovered

"It's all bcoz of me" she said again in a dull voice

"'t worry even it's pain but if it is bcoz of you I am happy with it" I said taking her into my lap and she hugged me and cried out hard and I confronted me.

"I think now a days you gained weight" I said to tease her

"Really have I became fat..." she is saying while checking her in mirror and I laughed out

"You are teasing me right" she came to me but I sneezed

"Ac...achu....achu.." and this time she laughed and she reciprocated me

"Baby it's not joke and don't reciprocate me na" but she did again and again and I pulled her in to my arms

"" she asked making her eyes big

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