chapter 39

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Ridima pov

He is shocked seeing me in saree to say truth I am looking beautiful not bcoz of my fairness but bcoz of the saree he gifted me.

He is coming towards me seeing me and suddenly slipped and I can't control my laugh I ran to catch him.

'You never leave any chance to suprise me" he said and I blushed.

Be careful na..I know you can't handle all this so walk carefully and don't wear heals as I can't keep show over there" He said and I nodded.

He opened door for me and I settled in passenger seat and he is driving.

How long it take to reach" I asked him

Why are you going to take any nap in between" he said

You will not leave any chance to tease me na" I said pointing and he laughed.

I thought you will tell some other place but why you said temple? You never visited Akshardham previously" He asked

Not like that as this is the first time  we are going out I want to go to temple" I said

So you believe in god"

Yes..why  don't you  believe in God?"

I believe but doesn't have faith in doing fasting and all this..."

Ohh...I have to tell you something"


Nandu bhai asked Vardhini's number"


"I have given her number. But I didn't understand why he is more interested in her"

"You even don't understand why I am interested in you then how can you understand about Nandu"

"Who told I didn't understand you"

"Really then why don't you like my presence when I am near to you"

"When I said that I don't like your presence"

"So you like my presence" he winked

"I didn't say like that"

"So you don't like"

"No..No..not like that" I said and he laughed aloud.

"Karthik pls drive carefully" I said just to change the topic.

We reached the temple and it is fully crowded and he caught  my hand  didn't leave even for few seconds. I am impressed for his care. 

"Shall we go for restaurant" He asked and I nodded as I want a break from my own cooked food

He dragged chair for me and we sat in a corner table. It's already 10pm but the hall is totally filled.

"Sir...Order please" waiter said giving menu card

"Chilli panner and Baby Corn Fritters as starters" he said without asking me and saw me.

"No problem those are my favourites too" I said and he laughed at me.

"When are mom and papa  returning?" I asked as mom told they will return in a weak.

"I think may be after 10 days" he said in a usual tone.

They served starters and I am full after eating starters.

"Why are you not eating?" He asked me seeing patterns I am drawing in plate.

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