chapter 13

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Ridima Pov

"Hello  Ridu? Do you remember me?" voice rang in  my ears.

"Come on Nisha why you called me at this hour? " I said

I ignored all the calls and msgs of my frds as I can't tell this complicated things to them .

Even if I told them they will never end this topic and asks questions continuously and I can't answer all their doubts .

"I am returning to college and will tell everything after I come there"I said

"So when is your train?" She asked

Then I remember that I have to pack my luggage and have a lot of works to do.

"Its at 2 pm . OK bye I have a lot of things to do "I said to her and ended my call.

I rushed to fresh up and found  all my clothes are packed by my mom.

"Ridu get downstairs fast as you have to start at least one hour before the actual time. " mom told and I just nodded my head .

This traffic is irritating and increasing day by day. It takes just 15 mins to reach station from my home but now it is taking 1 hr which is irritating me more:(

My papa was silent and he is not looking at me . I know the reason for his silence. Every time when I go back to hostel he will behave the same .  it has been 4 years but same scene repeats every time. I have joined in hostel during my under graduation as I have no other way .

I am coming out of my house and suddenly I  hugged my papa and started to cry. Before I never cried while leaving to hostel. But now I 'm crying not for staying away from my parents but to get married . I can't cry without a reason before my parents but now its the right they assume i am crying for leaving them .

We went to station and checked the platform. The train was late by 1hr . I remembered my train is late by an hour when I am coming to Delhi.

I am sitting beside my mom and listening to my mom . I am searching for my papa who went to bring some edibles for me and then  I found his mom is walking towards us. I am happy to see her but my mind strike with the thought of Mr. Rude accompanied with her and my smile faded away.

Karthik pov:

I took the mobile and walked back to my room and took the phn to call her but stopped remembering her behaviour...!!

I stayed back in my room and engaged myself in checking files just to divert from her thoughts.

"Karthik came for dinner" my mom called me.

I went to the dinning hall and started eating dinner.

"Karthik tommorow I'm going to railway station to meet Ridima. You should accompany me"my mom ordered me.

How can I say no to my mom so I nodded my head in positive.

I walked in to my room. Now my room reminds me of the time she is in my room. I feel like she is still here sitting on couch.

Oh god what has this girl done to me. I'm feeling strangely towards her. I dozed into sleep.

I freshed up and went downstairs, had my breakfast and about to leave for office.

"Karthik come home before 1pm. Her train is at 2pm" my mom said

She is leaving. This thought made me sad. I went to office but I wasn't interested in doing any work.

I am checking time for every 5mins and getting more disappointed as she's departing. What will happen if I went home earlier? With this thought I walked out of my office and found Nandu is coming.

"Hai bro... Where are you going now? As far as I know about you, You'll never step out of office at this time. So tell me where are you going" he asked.

Ahhh!!! He caught me again. Anyways he always guess me correct. I laughed to myself.

"Nothing I am going to home as I have an important work" I said

"What's that important work  at home?" he asked me.

"Ohh are you going to meet bhabhi . Is this your important work?" he asked

I smiled to him and dragged him into car. We're going to home and he is continously talking throughout the journey.

We are walking towards the door talking with each other.

"Karthik you came early. Train is at 2 pm" my mom said making fun of me.

"I just came to home to take some important file " I said

"Stop all your drama you even don't know how to say lie "
Nandu said still smiling .

I should divert this topic or these people will never end this.

"Mom I'm hungry can you make roti for me" I asked my mom
They gave an wierd look to me as i never ask to make something for me. 

"So Karthik Chouhan is breaking his diet schedule  but aunty can you guess what is the reason for this?" Nandu said

So again these people raised the topic. So now I have to change into Karthik Chouhan. I gave a cool look to him who stopped his laugh.

"OK bro stop your cool looks. Are you going to scare my bhabhi with your looks?" he asked

I smiled to his answer and thought whether she will scare for me or not.

Definitely she will not. Though she knew I'm angry on her, she has walked out of the room.

We all had dinner and  I went to my mom to check whether she is ready or not?

To my happiness she is waiting for me and we drove to the station. 

"Mom you go in. We'll join after parking the car" I said to my mom

She walked in and I and Nandu drive back to city even barring the Nandu's shoutings..

Why karthik drove back to city?

Is he still anger on Ridima?

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