chapter 35

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Karthik pov

I am riding as fast as I can... my heart is racing as a rocket while going in to the space.

Did Aarav do anything? If he even dares to touch her feet he will be dead shot in my hands.

I called my friend who is working in police department  to infrom him.

I reached my home and came out of the car and ran towards the door to open but then I heard Tv being switched off.

So it is her prank. She will get nice treat from me for her foolish act.

How dare she is to play with my feelings? I calmly went in and switched on the Tv. As I am not in a mood to watch I am changing the channels and increased the volume to its peaks.

As house is empty the volume is reflecting and made it a total noise. I just closed my eyes and leaned back hoping her to come near me. If I see her once she will know what she will get if she plays with me.

"Why you increased volume?" She said and switched off the Tv.

Ridima pov

I called him and shouted as if something happened to me to make him call my name.

I heard his car sound and immediately ran into room switching off the Tv.

" Come on call my name Karthik" I am expecting him to call but he switched on the Tv and increased the volume. I came out of the room and saw him seated in sofa comfortably.

I went before him saying " Are you mad?" Switching off the Tv.

Then he opened his eyes his eyes were blood red, he is in full rage. are dead now? No one is even their to save you. God please save me....from him.
He is taking steps towards me and I started walking back as usual.

But this time he caught me and kept staring at me with out even blinking. Previously when he used to stare at me with out blinking I used to get shy and felt lost in his eyes but now I am feeling tensed thinking what he will do now. He increased grip on my shoulders I know that he is doing this intentionally.

" Ahh...."I screamed.

"Scream more this is how you screamed previously right" he said and increased more grip.

"Sorry I didn't thought you will react this way...I just made to call you my name" I said hopping that he will cool.

"Are you mad just shut up and get out of my sight" he said and I ran immediately to kitchen.

I sat down and stared crying. I just said for fun how can I predict that he will react in this way. I cried for hours and then stood up washed my face and started preparing food. I have to make him cool. It's  my fault I shouldn't  have hurt him. He is so tensed😏😏😏

I searched for Veg Bhiryani  videos to cook in youtube and found few as I know that is his favourite.

I finished cooking and settled table with candles. I even tasted food as I can't make other mistake. It  tastes perfect and he will definitely cool down after eating this.

Now the big task is to call him. From the time he shouted on me he is confined to room and didn't came out.

How to call him? Shall I scream again? No it's worst idea this time he will definitely kill me taking that stupid idea from my mind I gained courage to call him and knocked the door and he opened and even without glancing me he went inside and I followed him as a puppy as I can't do anything.

Karthik pov

"Are you mad just shut up and get out of my sight" I said and she ran immediately to kitchen.

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