Chapter 48

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Ridima pov

I am dead shocked to see him in front of me with a smile on his face..

"Ridu...shocked to see me?" He asked but I maintained the silence as I don't want to talk with him..

"So.... how is my suprise?" He asked smiling a bit.

Suprise my foot...who is he to suprise me...If he spoke another word he will be killed in my hands....

I walked from there ignoring him but I know he is following me like a dog..

"What do you want Mr. Aarav?" I said as I don't want to create any nonsense in college and that too on my first day.

"Ms. Ridima I am going to my class and you are walking infront of me"

"It's Mrs. Ridima Karthik ...never ever forget that" I said in an angry tone and he left from there..

I walked to my cls but the lecture has already started and I interrupted and walked in. But I didn't found any place and at last found the place in a corner and walked even without seeing who is seated there and settled myself there....

"See you have reached me atllast..." some known voice came and I turned around and saw the face which I don't want to see...I sat beside him!!!

I was about to leave from there. Then I heard another voice I turned back,"Hai....I am puja" she said extending the hand and I shook my hand with her.

"Can we exchange our places?" I asked her hoping she will accept and she nodded her head immediately in positive.

The lecturer turned towards the board then we quickly changed our places. Aarav is watching with suprise...

The rest of the day went well and I came out along with Puja. We became friends in short span of time.

"Ridu..." Aarav called me. We both turned back as we are walking

"Ok Ridima byee see you tommorow" She said and I bid her byee and she has left from there.

"What do you want?" I asked him in a serious tone.

"How will you go home? Shall I drop you?" He asked with a smirk on his face

"No thanks.." I said

"Have you already told him that I am studying in this college?" He asked again

"Why do you want to know? Are you afraid of the later consequences?" I asked with a smirk .

"Actually you are afraid of me"

"I am not afraid of you" I said with a strong tone.

"Let's see who is afraid of whom" he said and walked away

What is he up to? Why will I be afraid of him? Why he is that much interested in my life?

My chain of thoughts are interrupted when a horn blow and I turned around and saw my handsome husband smiling at me....

I settled in passenger seat and he ignited the engine..

"How was your day baby?" He asked turning towards me.

"The college is really great and Do you know I made a friend?"

"Really this much fast"

"Yes her name is Puja...she is so good, more talkative, go.."

"Really is she more talkative than you" he said teasing me and I hit on his arm.

"Let's eat something" He said

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