chapter 10

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I stepped back and he continued to move forward  and I hit the wall .

He stopped few inches before me . His breath is falling on my face. My cheeks heated up and turned red. 

" Can we talk for few minutes? " he asked and increased the distance between us.

Who the hell in this world asks to talk in this way. Hell with him.. This man is totally at my nerves :(

I walked towards the couch and he followed me and sat at the other end so that we will be facing each other. 

" Why have you asked a year time to get married " he asked out the box and I am wondered to listen this question from him. Why he bothered to know that? When he don't even asked my opinion about this marriage.

" I have my own problems " I replied silently fixing my eyes on the hands.

" Are you in love with someone? "he asked making me shock.

How can he think like this. When a girl refuses or asks sometime to get married . It doesn't mean that she is in love. Every girl has her own dreams which she dreams from her childhood.
Every girl feels her dreams are crashed when she get married to an unknown guy who even don't know about her. Yes I refused to marry bcoz i am a girl who dream of achieving my  dreams.

I topped in my education from childhood till today. I am a student of Indian Institute of Technology.

I never thought this twist in my life and never believed my parents would agree for some stupid stuff like this .

I am in my thoughts " I got my answer " he said and left the room leaving me shock. 

I ran behind him to say what he is thinking is wrong. What happens if he say all this my parents? I even don't wonder if he did so becoz he is karthik Chouhan.

" Wait I have not answered your question " I said and he stopped and didn't even back turn towards me.

" I am not in love with anyone " I said out as it's the truth and I can't lend this man to think what he want. Let him know the truth with this thought I spelled out the words. 

He continued to walk and disappeared from by eyes.But I still remain in my place .

I feel irritated for his behaviour and rudeness. What he is thinking about himself ? 

How can he behave like this?. I walked back to saru dhi  but I know she ould have searched for me.

"Where did you go? I am searching for you" saru said

" I just went to wash my face as I  am feeling little head ache" I said.

I went to my mom who is talking with Mrs. Chouhan.

"Mom shall we move . I am feeling little head ache  "I asked my mom

"Beta why are you feeling tired . Shall I  call doctor " his mom asked she asked me in a worried expression.

He is at a little distance from us and I am sure he is listening our conversation as i know this man will be always ready to peep in to my life and create disturbances.

"No, mom I am fine as I am tired so I am feeling little head ache " I said

" You can go later take some rest " she said

What is happening. I played a trick just to escape from this place .But now its back fried. What all this twists and turns in my life.  Any how I should escape from here especially from his looks.

" No mo.." i am saying when my mother tapped my shoulder.

" Ridu take some rest. We will start after some time " my mom said.

Now no one can help me. I should endure his looks for some more time😣😣. My mom has to pay for her words . How can she say like this.

" Beta come with me i will show the way to room . So you can take rest " Aunty said.

I silently followed her . She took me to a room which is very big with a beautiful cot placed at the centre of the big room. To say the room is so cosy. One should definitely appreciate for the way they have designed the room. Every thing is perfectly fitted and I love this place. Even the house is so beautiful I hope this is not according to Mr. Chouhan as I can't expect this from him;)

"  Beta you take rest i will bring you tablet " she said

Ohh god what shall i do now. How can I take tablet with out having headache.

" Aunty i am fine actually i am afraid of taking medicines . I will sleep for some time " I said.

I really hate taking medicines. Now this cause saved me .she left the room closing the room.

I sat on bed and thinking  which way my life is leading to. And then i remembered my phone. There would be many messages and missed calls as When I came here I didn't raled with my friends as i am busy with saru dhi wedding and now I am busy with my wedding. 

These twists are really unpredictable:(. 

Anyway I should find my phone becoz surfing net for sometime can realive me from this tension and I can feel some what relaxed. 

I stepped down the bed and walked towards the room I caught the hangler and  about to open the door but the door opened making me shock Mr.Rude is standing in front of me. 

What he is up to? This is totally giving me shock today. 

why karthik came to meet Ridima?

Is karthik angry on Ridima ?

Are thoughts of Ridima are correct?

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