chapter 11

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Karthik pov

I am stunned to see . She is looking dam beautiful in her outfit. I am constantly looking her but she is completely avoiding me.

"Dude are you going to kill her by her looks" nandu said

Yes I don't want to awart my gaze from her. Every one laughed but she lowered her face .

Is she feeling shy. Omg😁😁

We were called as the function is going to start.

We both exchanged the rings.
Everyone wished us.

So now Karthik Chouhan is engaged thinking that I laughed myself.

We all had lunch and every movement of her making me crazy. I want to talk with her.

How karthik how can you meet her and then I found her sister Harika. She is so cute i called .

" khya jiju . What do you want ?"she asked

Now the main problem comes how can I tell her to call her sister. She is so little to understand all this.

" Can you take you sister to that room " I said pointing the room

" But jiju why you..." she is saying

" No but's if you take your sister I will give to lots of chocolates" I said to her

" I will bring her jiju" she said

Of course she will as I said I will give her chocolates.

I am waiting near the room . As it will be weird if some one found us together.

Her sister dragged her to the room and locked her .

She is continously knocking the door.

Oh god what she is doing if any one comes I am dead with in hand of my mother.

I opened the door. She is shocked to see me. I started walking towards her and she is stepping back.

I walked towards her and stopped 2 feets away from her .
If went further more I can't control myself from kissing her but now it's not the correct time.

"Why you asked 1 year time for marriage " I asked

I am curious to know her answer. I want to know but her silence made me impatient and made me to ask wheather she is in love with someone.

I am not a fool to think she is in love with someone bcoz she asked time for marriage but her silence made me more anger.

I walked out of the room with full rage . She called me and said she is not in love . A smile occupied my lips. I don't know why I am feeling happy.
Now she will be mine whatever happens.

And I walked to hall. After sometime she came to hall looking so sad .

I heard " Mom shall we move . I am feeling little head ache " she is saying to her mom.

Why all of a sudden she is feeling head ache.?

I am sure she is not feeling tired but telling so just to escape from me.

My mom took her to my room. She will be shocked if she knows that it is my room.

I walked towards the room saying my mom that I need some files. I opened the door and smiled to myself seeing she is also performing the same task.

"What happened to you?" I asked her

" I am just feeling tired " she told me.

" Look I know the reason for your sadness" i said

She turned away and walked towards the door. Damn what is she thinking of me!!

I am in rage and my phone rang. It's Kumar. I lifted the call.

" Why did you call now? I told not to distrub me today " I almost yelled at him

" Sorry sir . But its really urgent and I have no option other than calling you" he said in a sad tone.

Poor fellow he always calls me when i am in rage or distrub and receive my scoldings .

" Ok tell me what's that urgency that made you call me " I asked him with my authoritative tone.

When I'm in my call talking about bussiness, Nandu came to me and trying to say something but stopped seeing seriousness in my face.

" Mr. Kumar wait for a while " i told kumar

"What are you trying to say" i asked nandu

" Bro... bhabhi is going to depart and she is leaving for Chennai tomorrow morning and I think you want to see her once. So I've come to inform you... " nandu said

Who the hell want to see her? Afterall she don't value my words!!

" I don't want to see anyone and now you please leave me. I have some important work" i told Nandu

He immediately left the room and I continued my call.

How is the chapter guys?

Is karthik angry on Ridima?

Why Ridima left the room?

Keep guessing till the next update.

Happy reading 😍😍

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