chapter 46

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Thank you so much for your cover@ vin_flore

Karthik pov

I immediately ran to my car taking the keys. I can't be even for a minute without thinking about her.

I am totally confused whether my decision is correct or not. After seeing her tears... I am feeling like I did mistake...Even mom also said sending her to US is not a good idea as we are newly married and have to spend sometime to make our relation strong...

She is behaving like she don't know me and making me more weak...

I reached her house and slowed the car and sent her the msg...

I asked her to come with me. But as usual she denied..How stubborn she is...!! My subconscious mind said and then she opened the door. I shocked to see her mom and papa before us..

"Karthik....why are you here at this hour?" Mom  asked me

Karthik you are dead now...again my subconscious mind spoke.

I opened my mouth to speak but she took that opportunity

"Nothing mom he is going in the way and stopped to see me" she said and all laughed out

"You even don't know how to lie... " I wispered in her ears

Really what the stupid thing she said. She could have said better one

"Beta come inside" her mom invited me but she said that my mom is waiting for me but I didn't left the chance to be with her

I thought of talking with her but she immediately covered herself with duvet and acted like she is sleeping.

I asked her to talk with me for sometime. She didn't agree for it but I spoke my heart out

"Do you think I am happy in sending you you how my day went today..I even called my employee Ridu...I can't even imagine a day without you..." I am saying and she cried hugging me

"Don't send me Karthik...I will focus on my studies I will study here...please don't send me" She is saying while crying and I caught her hard

"Ok..don't cry you are not going anywhere" I  said finally as I can't see her in tears anymore.

But really I am not happy with her decision but I can't do against her like..

She hugged me, kissed me and started dancing on bed and I pulled her making her to fall in to my lap

"So what's your punishment for hurting your most handsome innocent husband?" I said taking  the strand of hair on her face

"What's your punishment for hurting your most innocent caring wife?" She said and I laughed out

I took her in to my arms and dozed in to sleep...

Ridima pov

"Ridu...." I heard mom calling me and then I realised that I am in my home and he is beside me..

I opened the door and mom smiled seeing me..

"Good morning " I said

"Good morning get ready fast" she said and went

Now my biggest task is making him rise...

"Karthik...get up and get ready fast" I said sitting beside him and he put his head in my lap  I trickles and started to move

"What..." he said raising his head

"I am feeling ticklish" I said so he will not sleep but again he kept his head on my lap and I laughed

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