chapter 21

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Karthik pov

"OK bro have some patience. You have to wait for few more months to make her come to you" he said.

Suddenly my brain struck with an idea. I know how to make her come to me. You will come to me. Get ready to enjoy my torcher.

"Nandu just stop all your stupid jokes" I said to him and rushed from there to my home.

I shouted MOM......

"Karthik.... why are you shouting? What happened?" My mom asked.

I can see the tension in her eyes.

"Mom I am so happy now. We got the project which I am trying from a long time" I said to my mom.

Yes we have got the project. But I did not pay much attention to them. But now I have to celebrate to make her come with me.

"Haa beta Congrats" my mom said.

"Mom I want to celebrate this success as this is my first success after my engagement " I said to my mom.

"OK beta. Why are you asking my permission to celebrate your success?" My mom asked as I never seek her permission.

"Mom...actually I want to call your bahu to this party and I want to announce our marriage date" I said hopping my mom will not shout.

"But.. Why Ridima now? She is busy with her studies. How can we distrub her? " my mom said

"No..she is not busy now. Her exams are completed and today is her convocation " I said to my mom.

"Acha..tell me one thing how do you know that today is her convocation? As far as I know you both will talk very rare" my mom asked.

I have told my mom every thing with out noticing what I am telling.

I just laughed to her question.

"No beta I can't call her. How can she come tomorrow when she is far away from Delhi" my mom said.

"If that's your problem. Leave that to me and I will deal with it. But you please call her family and her to party mom " I said adding please as I understood my mom will not agree if I don't plead her.

I am very eager to know her answer and to my happiness she nodded her head in positive.

My mom called to her house.

" are you?" My mom wished as she lifted the call.

"I am fine and how are ?" My aunt spoke.

I am listening to there conversation as I switched on the speaker.

"Karthik got an project and he is giving a party to celebrate his success"

"Tell him congratulations " aunty said.

"He is here and you can say him" my mom said.

"Congrats beta. I am so happy " aunty said.

"Thank you aunty. I want all you to attend the party at tommorow evg" I said to aunty and gave phone to my mom and asking her to take tell the remaining.

"As we all are gathering tomorrow. I want Ridima also to attend the party" my mom said.

But..ji how can she come here by tomorrow evg as she not even book her tickets for journey.

"Aunty you don't worry about that I will handle it. Tell are you comfortable with this and I want to announce our wedding date" I said finally.

"OK beta I have no objection with it. I will tell her to come " her mom said

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