chapter 25

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Ridima pov

He suddenly changed the way and I am shouting why you changed the way....asking questions to him. But he even didn't spoke a single syllable.

I am more restless now and I with out knowing I called him Rude. I cursed myself I am sure I will have to face worst consequences fot this.

"What did you speak? Come again?"He asked but I manged him and changed the topic.

He is a good looking, smart but thodasa Rude hai..

When I said that he is an average looking guy. His facial expressions changed.

"Me.... average guy hello Miss. Radio Lets go for your eye checkup" he said

Why he is calling me Radio? So I asked him why he is calling and he became anger suddenly.

I asked why he changed a sudden. He said you know the reason then I came to understand that he is talking about that college incident.

"I tried alot to explain you but you are not in a position to listen" I said to him

Then I said when I tried to explain him about the incident but scared off.

"So you are not scared now " he asked me

" A little not as before. I want to tell you what had happened on that day" I said to him and explained him everything

He asked that why I didn't tell him truth that I was engaged.

I explained to him why I didn't speak out. I spoke all my heart out.

"What is your goal ? " He asked .

I can see the curiosity in his eyes. I decided to speakout everything

"I want to..." I am saying and his phn rang

He became anger I can't control my laugh seeing him

I think it's from jiju. He is speaking and I looked out the window after sometime he switched on the speaker and kept phn in holder I am speaking to Nandu bhai and he is driving towards the mall we reached their and got out of the car.

"So long journey....Have you gone Agra why you took this much time to reach a near by mall" Jiju said

I walked towards Saru we are in the first floor selecting the dresses for Saru.

"Saru this dress is awesome. I want to take this" I said to Saru

"Have you finished your selection? " Jiju asked Saru.

"Haa..Yes come and pay the bill" she said to Jiju and they both walked towards the counter to pay the bil

I am holding the dress and suddenly kept in the table and walked towards the counter

I want to take a dress but then I found that I didn't brought my wallet. I am in counter but still seeing the dress on the table.

"Pack this dress" a voice rang in my ears and I saw that it is Mr. Rude holding the dress

"No..don't pack" I said to the man in the counter and turned to see him.

I am sure by this time he will be angry as I denied.

"Pack the dress" he said

"I don't want that dress" I said to him

"Who said that I am buying this dress for you?" He said

"Then for whom you are buying?" I asked him in angry tone

"Why you became anger and shouting on me? " he asked smirking

"I am not anger and more over I am not shouting at you" I said

"If you people stop fighting we will move " Amrith said

"Hello....who are fighting?" He said to Amrith and walked out the shop taking the dress

We are out of the mall and I am walking slow in order to avoid to the conflict in my brain in which I have to travel

All they are arranged in Jiju's car me and him are standing.

"Every time I have to invite to come in our car?" He said

We are walking towards his car and Saru called us

"Ridu...come with me . We will go in your Jiju's car" she said to me

" But bhabhi why?" He asked in a sad face

"Ohh...ohh...Karthik don't cry she will be with you in few days but for now let her leave her and we will go to home" Jiju said to him.

"But she can come with me na.." he said in a slow voice.

"Karthik let her come with us. As many of our relatives are coming today if they see Ridu with you it will be a hot topic" saru said to convince him.

"Ok bhabhi" he answersed monasyllabic keeping his face dull.

"Now Karthik you came alone " Nandu said teasing him.

"No bro....who told I will be going alone when you are with me come lets go" He said and dragged Nandu with him.

"Come Ridu we are already late and if we don't go home early our parents will be tensed" Saru said taking me with her.

we are on the way to our home its already 8 pm . I am observing whether he is coming with us or not but I did not find him Where he went i thought that he will be coming to home but he did not I want to ask Jiju that why he is not coming I am about call Jiju and his phone rang

"Ok karthik ...will meet you in office" Jiju said and ended the call

How can I ask Jiju about him. Jiju turned back to see saru but he saw my enthusiastic face.

"Ridu...don't worry he is having an important work so he is heading towards the office" Jiju said laughing

I laughed don't know what to answer.

"Ridu tell me where you went afternoon while coming to mall" Jiju asked me

God...what I have to say now? If I say that he changed the way he will surely shout at me. Then I remembered he saying struck in traffic with Jiju on call

"Jiju we were just struck in traffic" I said simply

"Come on Ridu ...Don't lie to me I know that he planned a suprise for you" Jiju said shocking me

"No..Jiju i am saying true he did not took me anywhere" I said to Jiju

why he did not took me when he planned a suprise? Is he anger on me? These are the Questions that are revolving in my brain and we reached home.

we came out of the car biding bye to Jiju as saru will be in my home untill my wedding. we are entering inside. But the scene in hall made me wordless. I feel like earth under me is separating.







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