Chapter 56

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Karthik pov

She is sobbing hard and I am unable to control her. If she cry for some more time she will faint.

"Ridu stop now. How much time you will cry?" I said but she didn't even taking breath and crying. 

Her face is turned red. She is done now and I will stop her at any cause.

I made her to sit on my lap wipping her tears and made to look at me.

"Do you trust me?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Then why you are crying?" I asked but there is no response.

"Stop crying Ridu..your tears are making me to think  that I have failed as husband" I said. Yes her tears are making me think I am failed as a husband.

"No karthik you are the best husband" she said wipping her tears. 

Thank god her smile is back. I promise Ridu I will all makes you happy I said to myself and pulled her in to arms.

I woke up when I missed her scent near me and opened my eyes to see her but she is no where in room.

It's already late where she is ? I walked downstairs and found her in kitchen making tea...but why she is doing household works when she have to go to college??

"Karthik you woke up..get ready you are already late to office" she said and I walked back to my room as Mom and papa are present there.

I am standing near dressing table arranging my hair then she came with a tray in her hands. 

"You are not ready? How much time shall I wait for you?" she said annoyed.

"Life long baby..anyways you don't need to wait for me as I am always with you" i said kissing her earlobe.

"Enough of your morning romance...have your breakfast" 

"Can't you feed me" I said pouting and she smilled and started feeding me.

"Had your breakfast?" I asked as I know she will not have till I had my food. This is  really to much some times she behaves as a complete Indian housewife and sometimes she shouts at me. ohh my girl is too difficult to understand.

"Are you not going to college?" I asked but she kept food in my mouth making me not to speak.

"Ridu.." I said glaring at her.

"Don't get angry. I am taking leave for today" She said

"But why?"

"I just want to take rest"

"You have taken enough rest these days so come on get ready and we will leave" I said

"No I am not going"

"Why are so stubborn Ridu?"

"I am not stubborn and I don't want go for college today" She said and stopped feeding me breakfast.

"Ok as your wish baby..come on continue to feed me" I said and she fed my breakfast.

"Ridu...I too don't want to go for office. Idea we both will go on a date" I said and her mouth opened in "o" shape.

"Then what about office. We will go some other time " she asked me.

"You are so mean biwi" I said with a disappointment.

"Don't worry hubby came home fast" She said with a blush in her face.

I pulled her in to a hug understanding what she mean by that.

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