Chapter 38

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What to say I am happy now a days bcoz I don't believe my work will reach this peaks#5 in chicklit  this is all bcoz of you my lovely readers 😍😍😍

You will find some spell errors as this chapter is not edited hope you don't mind...

Happy reading....

Karthik pov

We are waiting for vehicle for past 1 hr neither she or I spoke. I am only remembering the closeness we shared. We are so close to each other I want to kiss her but remembering her anger in the morning I was taken aback. My chain of thoughts are distrubed when I heard car arriving.

"I get in we will go home" I said and she nodded.

"Are you ok now?" I asked as her ankle sprained again she nodded.

"For god sake speak something" I shouted this time.

"I am fine now" she said without seeing me.

I settled in car and asked the driver to repair the car and waiting for her to come. How much time she is going to take? I saw her from rare mirror and found she is walking with difficulty and I went to her and took her to car.

"Why you are anger now?" She asked and I kept silent.

"What made you this much anger?" She asked again and I am driving silently and after that she didn't speak anything.

We reached home and I went inside closing the door. The thought that she don't like me touching her is making me anger.

Karthik why are you behaving like this..I should give her time she should come accept this marriage and me. I ran to car and saw her in difficulty.

"I am sorry come let's go in" I said taking her hand.

"You are so short tempered" she said and I just laughed to her.

"Shall we go to doctor" I asked her and she nodded in negative.

"Who asked you to wear point hells? You are not short and can match my height then what is the need for you to wear" I shouted at her not bcoz of anger but bcoz of the concern on her.

I can't see her in pain but I am becoming the reason for her tears. I sprained her ankle.

"Take rest for sometime" I said and turned to go but she caught my hand I am shocked for her sudden actions.

Ridima pov

"Take rest for sometime" he said and turned to go but I caught her hand he saw me in shock.

"Sit with me for sometime please" I added please as I know my husband will not do anything without adding please at last.

He sat with me and she saw our fingers intertwined then I came to realise still I am holding his hand and suddenly taken back.

"Why we came back home this early?" I asked

"Then your ankle got sprained and how can you walk" he said

"Then what about suprise" I asked

"What suprise...I didn't planned anything like that" He said in a plane tone

"Hoo...I thought you planned...." I am saying and his phn rang.

"Haa Nandu tell me now" He said to Nandu bhai.

"I told I don't have her number" he said again and gave phn to me.

"Bhabhi How are you?" Nandu bhai asked me

"I am fine bhai but why are you not visiting us" I asked bhai.

"I will come tommorow bhabhi when your devil husband is not in home and will talk alot" he said and I laughed as he called him devil.

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