chapter 40

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Karthik pov

I opened my eyes to see her but she is not there and then I heard washroom door opening and acted as if I am sleeping

"You know karthik that day I was angry on you not because for your touch but bcoz of of your words how can you do like that for our stupid bet" she said and kissed me on my cheek  shocking me ,I turned to take her into my arms but she ran away knowing that I am awake.

I am so happy after listening her words. I have fallen for you biwi but just waiting for your acceptance.

I came downstairs and saw her preparing something after listening her feelings I am unable to control myself from kissing her it's really tough to stay away I controlled my feelings previously but now I am unable to but why should I ? She is my wife and I have very right on her.

I have always imagined a filmy life like she is doing my works, caring for me...what not everything but for all those things I should wait for sometime.

I pecked her again while leaving to office making her blush. These days I am not at all concentrating on work...of course how can I when I am newly married and my beautiful wife is waiting in home for me.

I laughed for my thoughts then I thought to gift her mini I know she wouldn't wear it till now but now I want to see her I intentionally brought short length as I don't want her to wear it  outside. I am not an orthocrate to restrict women but I know she will look damnhot in this dress and if she wore this outside anyone may comment her and they will receive enough punches from me in order to avoid all those things I brought short length.

I  know after wearing this she will immediately change and that's why I knocked the door again and again but I even didn't glance at her completely as she left me in shock kissing me. This girl is too naughty.

I dressed in black to match her we are looking perfect.

Till today I didn't allow any girl to sit on my bike even lisa as she don't like travelling in bikes I too never forced her but now I want her to be.

I am driving fast as we reached the city outskirts and she caught me tight

"Karthik drive slowly....I am afraid" she is shouting and I slowed down

"Don't worry ,I am there naa" I said seeing her from mirror and she laughed.

"Do you drive at this speed every time" she asked

"Yes.." I said monosyllabic

"Don't drive fast Karthik..." I nodded

"Promise me that you will never drive over speed" she asked. why is she stubborn? anyways if this promise makes her happy ,I am ready to do

"Promise..." I said and she laughed.

"Don't leave my hand....stay cautious ok..." I said in a bit serious tone so that she will take this to her mind while we are entering in.

Ridima pov

"Don't leave my hand....stay cautious ok..." he said seriously and I nodded

This is the first time I am in pub this feeling is making me more happy and crazy...

There is a dance floor and all are tapping their feet and I dragged him to the dance floor

We tapped our feet for the songs I am enjoying his presence but my lovely husband is not leaving any chance to take me close to him..he pulled me to the rare side and started kissing me

"Anyone may see us...leave na"

"Don't worry all are busy with their work" he said and continued to kiss me I stepped on his feet to escape from him.

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