Chapter 61

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Guys today is my besty birthday. She has an very important part in my life.

Happy birthday puja.

No matter we are distance apart but you are always my best friend. Love you

Ridima pov

I don't know what just happened. Karthik took bullet that Aarav aimed at me.

"Karthik..Karthik" I am again and again trying him to open his eyes but no he even didn't move...

"Jiju..."I shouted once I found Amith jiju

"Karthik....Wake up man" he said caressing his checks.

"He is bleeding Man" jiju said and called Ambulance.

"He is dead now... come let's go away from everyone" Aarav said taking my hand.

He is dragging me away from Karthik.

I slapped him hard and ran towards Karthik.

"He is escaping..." Jiju shouted and there entered the Nandu Bhai along with cops.

They took Aarav into their custody and I didn't even bother to see what's happening around me.

"Amrith... come on hold him...  ambulance has arrived" Nandu bhai said.

Soon Karthik is placed on a stretcher and I followed them to ambulance.

I've been crying all the way. Seeing him in this vulnerable state isbmaking my heart shatter into pieces.

We arrived to a hospital and we are walking beside his stretcher all the way holding his hand.

"Bhabhi...came on he will be fine" Nandu bhai said holding my shoulders.

He is taken inside the room. This is the first time I am afraid of the red light that lit out the ICU.


I collapsed on the floor with my hands around my legs and my face digged in between them.

"Ridu...How are you?" My mom came in running to me.

"Mom...  Karthik..!!!"

"Don't worry he will be fine" my mom said consoling me.

I ran towards Karthik's mom hugging her. We both sobbed hard.

"Nothing will happen to him... your love will make fight all the difficulties" mom said hugging.

I sat silently not even bothering who is present. It has been 3hrs since the operation has been started.

"I prayed for god. I heard saying " Hospital walls heard lots of players than temples" now I believed it's true.

I can't live without him. ofcourse how can I live when my heart stop betting.

Wake up Karthik
to tease me...
to fight with me...
to care for me...
to make me feel special....
to support me...
to make me the luckiest person on the world...
to praise me...
to love me.....
Love you Karthik....
Love you ... please wakeup.

I've been chanting the same words again and again and prayed the god to save him.

All are trying to console me but I aren't in a position to listen to them. What's the need for him to take bullet?

Nandu... How all this happened?" I heard mom asking Nandu.

Ridu was kidnapped by Aarav...Karthik went to rescue Ridu. Aarav shot Ridu and Karthik took bullet" Nandu bhai said.

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