chapter 33

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Ridima pov

I am waiting in my room for mom. She came to me and tied saree.

We went down and the ritual begin. Everyone are seeing me it is very good ritual that everyone are presenting me gifts.

Finally the ritual ended and I took the saree on my face and I found him staring me and I immediately went from their just to escape from his looks.

"So Ridu..tell me what happened? " Nisha asked

"What do you mean by what happened?" I asked her and she started laughing mischievously and I understood what she mean and I started beating her.

"Are you going to kill her?" His voice rang in my ears I ignored him and continued to beat her and he suddenly caught my hands.

"Leave me everyone are watching us" I said

"Why would I leave if they feel shy they will close their eyes" he said smirking and I lowered my eyes in shy.

"Ok tell me what she said? " he asked.

Oh...god!! What I have to tell him now?

"Nothing...leave is waiting for me" I said and tried to get out of his grip.

"Don't try to because you can't make me to leave until I want to leave" he said and left me and I immediately ran towards mom.

It's lunch time I am really feeling very hungry. But I can't go and eat first I am waiting for someone to call me for lunch.

"Ridu...come let's have food" maa said and I immediately got up.

"Ridu...have you seen Karthik? Where is he?" Mom asked me.

"I will go and take him mom you go and have food" I said and went to our room and found that he is in a call and after seeing me he ended the call

"Mom is waiting for you" I said.

"Only mom is waiting or someone else too waiting for me" he said winking.

Come fast I am feeling hungry" I said to him

Then eat the food you cooked morning" he said laughing.

"You..." I said

"" he said and I dragged him outside to have food.

"You both came na..come both have your food" mom said.

Both of us seated and they are serving us and I am about to start eating but maa stopped me.

"Karthik..feed her...." Mom said.

"Why...I mean Why he will feed me" I asked mom

Beta this is also ritual...come on Karthik feed her" mom said to both us.

He took naan and feed me and I calmly eat.

"Ok mom happy now shall we eat" he asked mom.

"No..beta Ridu..come on feed him now" Mom said.

What me feeding him impossible...I will not feed him.

"Is this is the reason you brought me down? I know you know about all this rituals before. You want me to feed you so brought me actually you dragged me down" he whispered to me

"Shut up...I don't know about anything" I replied to him.

"Achaa..I know you know about all this" He said again making me anger.

"Ridu...come on you can speak later" mom said teasing us.

"Open your mouth" I whisphered to him taking a piece of naan but he didn't opened his mouth.

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