Chapter 66

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Hai guys..

Check my new book UNEXPECTED TWIST.

Which I published yesterday.
Do support me as same you did for TWISTED LIFE.

It's an love story which you will love to read.

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Coming to TWISTED LIFE. Two more chapters guys gonna end this book.

Here is your update happy reading

Karthik pov

This time I am confident that Ridu will definitely do well. She has worked and spent a lot of time in studying the entire project details. 

My phone rang and it's from Mr. Kumar. why he is calling me ? some thing bad must have definitely happened with this thought I attended the call but what he said has made my anger reach mounteverest.

what the hell she had done? Completing the project before a month and when there is more then half the project remaining..This is impossible man ...

She did wrong by keeping our companies fame in risk. I can't let this happen. I am supporting her means that doesn't mean that I will support her stupid decisions. 

Moreover money she agreed to do this for money..I can't believe that..

With all this thoughts I shouted at her...

"Think with your brain Karthik not with your anger" she said and left from their.

Thank god mom is not at home or else this would be an ackward infront of her.

I need an explanation for her act with this I walked towards our room.

"Ridu.." I said and knocking the door.

She opened the door and moved aside providing the place to me to enter the room.

I went and sat on bed not even uttering or glancing at her.

"So is your anger gone?"

"I need an explanation"

"What explanation you need Karthik? I am sure if you are present in my place you would have taken the same decision" she said shouting like a mother when her child did mistake.

"What they have said that made you to take such a big decision?" I asked as I am unaware of it.

She explained the every word they spoke which is made my blood to run twice it's speed.

"How dare are they to talk such a rubbish about our company?" I shouted out.

"They are in a position to cancel the deal if I didn't accept their challenge and in that situation I can't backoff so I did so" she said in a calm tone.

"You did the right thing" I said

"I know" she said smiling

"Sorry baby" I said as lovely as I can.

"I will not accept your apologies. You should do what ever I ask" she said.

" I will even give my heart  for you baby"

" How can you give when it is with me?" She said smirking.

"You are becoming to smart these says" I said winking at her.

"Tell me what you want"

"You should help me with this" she said and I laughed out aloud and she saw me with confused eyes.

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