Chapter 68

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Ridima pov

I am tensed to hell. Giving presentation before Karthik is the toughest task. I can't handle his gaze and his serious face when it comes to bussiness

At start I am keen to observe his expressions but later I didn't focused much and went on with my presentation.

At last I saw everyone clapped aloud but my eyes are searching for Karthik. When finally his eyes met mine he smiled making me at cloud nine.

Everyone are congratulating each other and me and I saw his trace but when I saw the place where he is before he is not present. In a fraction of second my eyes traced entire hall but he is not there.

I am searching him but some one in our staff dragged me to a small party. I want to go from here to my Karthik but I can't make all my colleagues sad who worked hard from past one month.

It's almost 6pm when all this was wrapped and I am the first one to run out of the office.

Where he went? He is not even attending my calls. Soon I reached home but more frustrated becoz of his ignorance.

Has he gone mad or what? He know that I would love to have his presence beside me but no you will never fail to making my mouth in wonder Karthik

I ran inside but it's totally dark. Where has all gone? I searched for the switch but suddenly hands wrapped around my waist making me smile as I know the owner of the hands....

"Mr. Rude"

"Congratulations Mrs. Rude" he said kissing my cheek.

"So you remembered me now" I said raising my brows even though they are not visible as it is dark.

"I thought of wishing you specially" he said and claimed my lips and suddenly lights switched on making me suprise all of our family members are present(both of our parents, Amrith jiju Saru dhi, Nandu bhai) but this man is not in a position to leave me and I struggled hard making everyone smile and I hide myself in Karthik's arm bcoz of shyness.

"Ohh ohh bro..." Nandu bhai said making me feel more embraced.

"Ridu...congrats" Karthik's mom came forward for a hug and I immediately went to her arms.

After that everyone came and wished me. My parents are very proud of me and I am happy seeing them.

"I am late" Vardhini said coming towards me.

"Of course you are always a late comer whether it is class or party" I said

"But don't be late in give me a hug" I said and she gave me a tight bear hug.

Soon all of us sat and started eating desert in our room. We had dinner with lots of talks and laughs. Mom and Papa left even though everyone are insisting them to stay.

Saru dhi is sleeping keeping her head on jiju's lap. Nandu bhai and Vardhini sat on the other side of bed with Nandu bhai's hands on her waist. My hubby sat beside me and I caught his arm and we both are sharing Ice-cream.

"So Ridu from tommorow all your time is mine" Vardhini said before I could react my husband's mouth done it's work.

"Why..?" He said making everyone laugh.

"For shopping bhai"

"And Karthik and Amrith we will be doing shopping tommorow" Nandu bhai said

"And after that their will be a grand bachelors pa.." Karthik is saying but stopped and both Amrith jiju and Nandu bhai signaled him no.

"Ha bachelors come on Karthik continue" I said and both the other girls are waiting seriously for his reply.

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