chapter 28

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Karthik pov

I walked out of the house and ride back to my home without even listening Amrith who is calling me.

"Karthik you came to early....but what happened? Why are you angry?" My mom is asking me but I walked towards my room.

I throwed everything in my room. Why always happens to me? If she loves him then she should tell me but she is cheating me. What she is up to? Is they both are trying to elope? I am in my thoughts and my phn started ringing it's from Amrith.

I denied the call but he is calling me continously. I denied almost fourty calls. I am on my bed thinking what to do. My mind is recalling again and again only that stupid scene.

"Why are you not lifting my calls Karthik? " Amrith came shouting and locked the door.

'Pls Amrith I am restless and have no interest to discuss about that stupid stuff" I said to Amrith

"Who told that I came to discuss about that incident?" He said

"Then why you came now?" I asked him.

"Wait for a minute..." He said and dialled Bhabhi number and turned on the speaker.

"Hello....Amrith how is Karthik?" Bhabhi asked immediately after lifting the call.

See my bhabhi is more worried about me than so called my fiance. She even didn't tried to call me or message me. I would have lifted the call if she called but no Bhabhi called more than thirty times , Amrith called more than fourty times but her not even a missed call.

"She is fine Saru..How is Ridu?" Amrith asked I gave a dead look to him as he asked about her.

What the hell will happen to her? When she is playing worst game with my life.

"She is fine and stopped crying " Bhabhi said.

"Ji...ju is he there?" She asked stammering.

"Haa Ridu ...he is here. You don't cry and tell what you want to tell" Amrith said seeing me.

Is he came to support me or her? What he is up to? Anyways I don't want to listen her so I got up from bed but this guy stopped me and signalled me to sit.

"Ridu....are you on line? " He asked to confrom wheather she is on call or not.

"Haa...Jiju" She said.

"Tell him I put on the speaker " he said.

She explained what happened but I even didn't spoke a word till now.

"It's what happened. Decide yourself what to do? " she said

"Then what about....." I am about to say but seeing Amrith infront of me I stopped.

I want to ask her why she slapped me? Till today no one in this world slapped me. She is the first one I will ask her but not now as both Amrith and Bhabhi are here and I can't take my respect infront of them.

"Yes tell me." She asked.

"Nothing we will discuss about it personally you will get a nice reward for what you have done" I said Making sure her that still I am angry.

"What is that Karthik that you want to discuss personally?" Amrith asked.

"Nothing yaar..." I said to Amrith.

"So..both patch up right" Bhabhi asked.

"Yes..bhabhi" I said but there is no response from other side.

"Hello..where are you lost? " I asked

"Haa...dhi..everything is fine" she said.

"Wait...a minute I have a few conditions" I said.

"Karthik what are this conditions now?" Amrith asked

"Ok tell me" She said

"Throw that stupid out of our house immediately. I don't want to see him again. You say sorry to me" I said

"Why I have to tell sorry? I have not done a mistake" she said

"Think and speak Radio. Have you not done any mistake?" I said in a little angry tone

"I am telling with proper thinking. I have not done any mistake" she said

"Ok then don't worry we talk about it as I already said. What about the first one?" I asked

She is not even feeling wrong for slapping me. You will pay for this don't worry and I left that topic where she will go it's more 2 days for our marriage and she have to be with me and can't escape from me.

But I don't want to see that stupid again.If I see him again I am sure I will kill him.

"I will send him" She said in a low tone.

"Speak loud" I said why she is speaking low?

"Yes..I will send him" she said.

"That's bettter for both of us and for our families" I said just warn her and ended the call.

Ridima Pov

"Ridu..don't worry I will speak with Amrith" Dhi said and walked downstairs.

Jiju came to me and he started dialing to him but he is not attending his calls.

"Ridu...give me your mobile. I think he will lift the call of your number" Jiju said and I immediately gave him my phn. Jiju dialled his number and it came no balance. All the worst things happens to me at a time😑😑

I am sure now he will think that I am not worried for him.

" Amrith you go to Karthik's house. I am sure he will not attend the call " dhi said to Jiju.

"Ok..I will go there and call you" Jiju said and left. I am continously crying and dhi phn rang.

I am just listening to their conversation. When I heard jiju saying he is fine I felt some relaxed.

I explained to him what had happened but he is not even uttering a word then I told him to decide what to do?

Then what about...he said and stopped may he bcoz of Jiju and Dhi presence. I know whathe is talking about.

I am sure that I will get a nice reward for my action. He is continously warning me that I have done a wrong and I will get a reward for that.

Then he asked me to tell sorry and throw Aarav out.

I denied to tell sorry what I have done wrong to tell him sorry moreover he have to tell sorry to me for speaking disgusting words.

Why people speak about a girl easily? Some people are present in this world who speaks about others when they don't have a right to speak I pity for those stupid creatures. Let him do what ever he wants. I will never apolozise him for my action I am sure I have done right.

Then he left about sorry and asked me to throw Aarav out being immersed in my thoughts I casually said yes in a low tone.

But he asked me to say aloud and did and he ended the call saying that's better for us and both of us families.

"So happy now...get fresh and come downstairs " Saru dhi said and went.

I am in my hall eating dinner but I didn't found Aarav after that incident all are present here Nisha, Vardhini, Likith I am about to ask Nisha but my phn rang it's from Aarav I lifted the call.

"Ridu...please save me" he said.

Hai guys....

How is the chapter?

What happened to Aarav?

Is he trapping Ridima?

Keep guessing guys....

Happy reading 😍😍😍

Till next chapter byee..

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