chapter 47

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I am so happy as this book is in #1 this is all bcoz of you my lovely readers....Thank you for your support keep supporting me

Karthik pov

I am hardly controlling my angry as that Stupid Aarav is approaching and I can't destroy all this...

"Hello bro..." he said making me more anger and extending his hand

"Hello..Mr. Aarav " I said with a cool tone

"Did you both met before?" Mr. Gupta asked.

" we are closely related" he said smirking and I throw a dead glare to him.

"Excuse me" I said and went from their as I know if see him for few more minutes he will be dead in my hands.

I went to my cabin but I am remembering only that worst creature then someone knocked my door and saw him standing near the door...

How dare he is to come to my cabin and stand before me?

He walked towards me and seated with a worst smile on his lips...

"Hai Karthik Chouhan" he said

"How dare you are to came to my cabin?" I am talking controlling my anger hardly

"I just came to know about.." he is saying and I cut off him

"Don't even dare to speak her name?"

"Why she is mine first and you took her from me.." he saying some stupid stuff and I am more irritated now.

"Let me clear you few things Aarav....she is my wife and we are happy and you better stay away from us or I think I don't need to explain you.." I said in a dangerous tone.

"You just remember that your happiness is going to be vanish soon and you will feel sad for messing up with me" he said and walked away

I am in peaks of anger and then my phn rang it's from Ridu and suddenly my mood changed and a smile occupied on my lips seeing her name..

"Hello baby..."

"Had your lunch?"

"No yet...Did you have your lunch?"

"No....Actually I will go to our home as mom want me to came earlier so that we can visit temple"

"Ok then call driver"

"No...not a problem I will take cab"

"Ok then what else..."

"How is your meeting?"

"It went well..." then I suddenly remembered that stupid

"Ok then I am little busy call you later" I said and ended the call.

I intentionally ended the call as I don't want her to know all this and I am pretty sure if I talk with her for some more time she will definitely ask why my voice is cool...

Ridima pov

"" I said biding bye to my mom as I am leaving...

"Byee..but why you are leaving alone.." mom asked me as I am going alone and didn't called for car....

I want to go in local bus as I missed the joy of travelling in bus...

"Don't worry mom I am comfortable with it" I said just to make her comforting and walked out the my house..

I am waiting for bus then suddenly a car stopped infront of me and came out the most unexpected person...

"Aa...rav..." I said stammering as I am shocked to see him...

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