Chapter 60

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Karthik pov

I am totally occupied with my project. This is crucial project if this is successful then our company will reach peaks.

These days I am spending least time with Ridu. Even she is preparing for her Exams.

I feel some what happy with this busy schedule of mine or else I would have not allow her to study after all how can I stay away from my wife.

When I reach home she will be seen either studying or sleeping while studying.

Many times I used to take her to bed and made her to sleep. I used to control myself from taking her. But can't resist without taking her into my arms.

Even though she is busy with her studies but she never neglected to see wheather I have eaten or not.

I am not less than her even I used to call mom and ask about her where abouts.

It's last week when I remembered her calling me when I am in important meeting. I rejected her call but she being Ridima Karthik keep on calling her.

I excused myself and attended the call. She asked whether I have eaten or not and my anger reached heights.

"I am not a school kid to be reminded to eat" I shouted at her and she ended the call with sobbing.

After that I lost concentration on work as the tears of the person we love have more effect on us.

I came to home and find her eating. Yes I know she will eat today as whenever we fight she will eat even without asking me to eat.



"Serve me food I am too hungry" I said but she without any word served food for me and sat holding a book.

"You can spare time for your husband"

"I am not a school kid to make me remain that I have to spare time for you " she said sarcastically and went from there.

That continued for two days and she didn't bothered atleast to wake me.

But at ni8 she will be in my arms as we both can't sleep without cuddling.

We both ended our fight when I said I will not shouted at her and then she smiled.

Today is her final exam and I want to spend sometime with her. So I started to work as fast as I can so I can ran into her arms.

It's around past 6 when I reached home. I didn't even called her from morning as I want to suprise her.

When I reached home mom came with glass of water but my eyes are searching for her.

"She didn't returned home. I think she is with you "

"No Mom she is not with me"

"Then call her parents she may go to them"

But she will never go without informing me.

I called to her home with a hope but the result made my heart skip.

I am totally tensed. Sweat formed on my forehead even with a thought she is not with me.

Where are you Ridu?

I ran towards her college as she might be waiting for me to pick her.

"Is Ridima went?" I asked the security present.

"I don't know sir but all the students have left" he answered adding more salt to my tension.

I know how unsafe Delhi is. Is she safe? Puja..this is the only name came into my mind..and immediately called her.

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