chapter 8

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Ridima pov

" Didi get up its your engagement day and how can you sleep so long"

These are the words which rang in to my ears and I sat on my bed totally shocked.

I just ran to my mom and asked wheather it is true.

To my sadness she nodded her head in positive.

How can he agree when he is in a realation with another woman.

I thought to say this  to my dad as only he can understand me and searched for my dad. But I didn't find him .

I am still searching my papa and then my mom came in front of me .

 " why you are roaming here and there  with out getting ready  " she yelled on

 " Mom pls stop all this. I am not at all interested in this marriage and I can't  marry him " i said

My mom is shocked after listening what I have said .she checked my temperature as if I have  got mad .

" But you are the who told yes this proposal and they have agreed even after telling them you both will get married after an year after your studies  "she said

I can't explain everything to my mom now and more over I can't say the stupid reason of telling yes is bcoz I saw his realationship status in Facebook.

I can't even tell the cause of my acceptance of this proposal to any one in this world.

I didn't speak and just looked at her and lost in my thoughts.

" Ridu what are thinking come with me  " she shouted

I nodded and followed my mom she asked me to get fresh up and asked me to wear the halfsaree she gave to me.

I got ready and sat in my room still waiting for my father to talk to him.

 Karthik pov :

I am in my bed and open my eyes when my mom is shouting .

"Wake up how long are you going to sleep" my mom shouted

I woke up and pulled in to washroom by my mother to get ready .

I  was  dressed in a black suit not a designer piece but suits to me and went downstairs .

My house is beautifully decorated with flowers . Which I love most...Aweee :)

There are still 3 more hours for my engagement and I am eager to see her.

Then comes my friend Nandu in  grey suit this man is looking as a bridegroom and he is dominating me .

We both had our breakfast and then I called Amrith.

"Where are you? we are waiting for you" I asked as he lifted the call

" So you came to understand how it feels  we miss our friends in special movements of our life " he said

So now instead of answering me he is taking revange on me as I skipped his engagement.

Missing his engagement is the worst thing I have done in his life. Bcoz if i have attended we both also got married .

" Are you going to skip my engagement now?" I almost yelled

" I am not that stupid as you " he replied and continued

" I will be coming with Ridima's family as saru is with her and who on earth can leave his wife on the very 3rd day of his marriage " he said making me smile

" Ok come fast we are waiting for you and get your sister safely here"  I said
Making him fun and ended the call.

All the guests are coming only few people close to our families are invited as we don't have enough time to celebrate it as grand .

I am eager to see her and then I saw she's coming with saru and her mom on both sides of her.

I am stunned to see her and forget to blink my eyes. 

So Friends how is the chapter?

As all you are interested in reading karthik pov I included it.

Hope you like it.

May be i won't update for next two days as i will be little busy.

Most probably next episode will be at Wednesday.

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Happy reading. 😍😍

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