chapter 24

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Karthik pov

"They are going in that way. why you changed the way" she asked me.

She is quit throughout the journey. She is seeing outside or watching Amrith car which is in front of our car.

Whenever I saw her she is just turning her head. I want make her to talk with me so I turned the way to make her talk.

"Where are you taking me? Why you changed the way?........"she is asking continous questions even without any pause

I didn't speak anything and just continued to drive fast.

"Speak something for god sake Mr. Rude why you always throw me in tension" she said and bitted her tongue and turned the other side

I noticed that she called me Rude and that to Mr. Rude giving respect even in scolding.

"What did you call me? Came again" I said looking her.

She didn't speak and sitting quit.

"Are you going to speak or shall I use my own ways to make you speak?" I said

"What do you want me to speak?" She said in the same tone.

"You called me Mr.R..." I said

"Yaa I called you Rude..Mr. Rude what now?" She said casually

" no way. I am good looking, smart, cool natured. How can I become Rude now tell me" I said

"You cool natured...nice joke" she said and started acting as she is laughing

"I am not cool natured so are you agreeing with me that I am good looking and smart" I asked and smirked at her

"Yes I agree that you are smart but you are not good looking but an average guy" she said

"Me.... average guy hello Miss. Radio Lets go for your eye checkup" I said

"Me..Radio why are you calling me Radio. I noticed previous time also when you came to our college" She said

I immediately remembered that stupid hugging her and my anger dominated me and If I talk now I will definitely scold her. So I stopped talking with her and raised the speed.

"Now answer me..till now you asked me to answer right now  tell me " she is saying and I gave a cooled look to her.

"Did I say anything wrong? Why are you so angry? " she asked in confusion

"Just sit quit when you think you don't need to explain me. Why are you expecting me that I will explain you" I said still in anger

"What are you taking about? I don't understand" she said

"You will understand later" I said

"By chance are you speaking about that college incident" she asked

I maintained silence still driving.

"I tried alot to explain you but you are not in a position to listen" she said

Funny when she even tried to explain me. I just maintained silence and keep listening to her.

"When we are driving to the function hall I gained a lot of courage to tell you as even I am scared to see you and at last when I gained courage the venue came" she said to me

So she is not scared now to me and talking all the stuff.

"Are you not scared now?" I asked her

She nodded her head in positive and added

" A little not as before. I want to tell you what had happened on that day" she said finally.

I can't ask her to tell the reason. I belive her and I just want to now whether that stupid misbehaved with her. If it so..he will be dead.

" I have a good group of friends we were so attached to eachother. We met in our graduation and become to close in less time. I used to mingle friendly with both Aarav and Likith. But I don't know what made Aarav feel for me" she said and looked towards me

I got anger knowing that he love her. She paused for a movement and continued.

"He proposed me at last day of our college and I didn't answer him" she said

" Why you didn't answer him? Are you dum to speak that you are engaged?" I asked in anger tone.

"I don't want to know all that I am engaged so I didn't answered" she said

"Why you don't want the world to know about our wedding?" I asked her

"It's not like that I want only few of my frds to know" she said

"I asked why you don't want ....not whom do you want to know about this" I asked expecting the correct answer

"See how it will feel when your are in your graduation and that to in undergraduation and that to studying in a prestigious unversity like IIT and getting married this earlier" she said

"How it will feel? You have not done a robbery right to make sure that no one should know about? " I asked her

"Bad joke..see I am a top student in my college. If you leave your dreams and get married like a normal girl. How it will be?" She said this is the first time she is talking alot with me my action to make her talk lead this long conversation

She said that she is having a goal. What is that? Is she is thinking that I will crash her dreams?

"What is your goal in your life?" I asked her.

"I want to..." she is saying suddenly my phn rang

"Karthik where are you? Why are taking this much time to reach we are already waiting from half an hour?" Amrith said in a restless tone

"We are struck in traffic and will reach their in 5 mins" I said and aboutto end the call

"Wait don't end the call. Nandu want to talk" he said

What he will speak now?

"Bro don't hangup. I know if you hang up you will just keep staring at bhabhi or will talk with her and you will get late" he said

" I am not doing all those stuff. I said I am in traffic and I can't speak on phn" I said finding a way to escape so I could talk with her

" Ohh...stup up keep the phn in speaker and you continue to drive and I will speak with my bhabhi" he said

I did what he said as I know that I can't defend him.

They are speaking and I didn't pay any attention to their conversation. But I am thinking what would be her dream. My phn always rings in correct time to distrub me. We reached the mall and headed inside the mall.

Hai guys ...

How is the chapter?

Finally Karthik and Ridima talked with eachother.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Thanks to all who are supporting me.

I am more thankfull to my frds who are supporting me and encouraging me.

Happy reading 😍😍😍

Till next chapter byee guyss

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