chapter 19

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Karthik pov

I am shocked to see her in arms of that stupid person again. It's really irritating and disgusting to see him holding my lady again and again. 

I just want to push him away and take her in to my arms and kissing her hard to make herself realize that she is mine. But I can't do that so I walked to my car and asked her to meet me.  I am waiting in my car from last half an hour but she didn't came.

Now my anger reached peaks and don't leave him and her now.

Why every time this happens to me. Previously Lisa and now she both played a worst game with me but it's my turn and this time  I will not leave her.

"Cheat" the word I hate most. I hate the people who cheated me. You will pay for this pretty lady.

Ridima POV

"You will pay for this" he said rubbing his cheek.

What I will pay? He will pay for what he did. Now I am going to tell my fiance every thing and he will pay him.

I pulled him away and ran to meet Mr. Rude but he is no where. I saw his car far away from me. Why he left when he asked me to wait? Anyways I have to end all this drama and should revel that I had engaged.

I went to the place where all of them are present.

"Aarav I am very happy to announce that I have engaged to the most handsome, most talented, inspiration to many young people in this world Karthik Chouhan the only heir of Chouhan group of industries" the said a long intro of him. 

Likith is shocked to know that I  am engaged. But I couldn't find any shock in Aarav face. Why he is not shocked after knowing the truth.

"Is the guest of today's party and your fiance is same?" Likith asked in a shock tone.

"Yes Karthik Chouhan is my fiance" I said to Likth but making sure that it reaches to Aarav stupid brain that I am engaged.

"Congrats Ridu. I am happy for you " likith said and he dragged away Aarav.

I am feeling much relief now. I walked to my room. I waited for this day. I felt happy for receiving my certificate. Even Mr. Rude is also happy for my success. But my happiness  turned in to sadness just in seconds.

His last words are still ranging in my ears.

"Congratulations success makes me happy. Keeping achieving it to make me happy" 

Wait he called me Radio. I didn't notice him calling me Radio. How dare he is to call me Radio. He will be dead in my hands when we again meet.

Now I don't have any guts to come across him. I am sure he would be in full rage by now.

I felt happy when he said those words. I am after knowing that he is happy for my success and I got a hope that I can achieve my dreams. But now he will not even listen to me. Yes I have done wrong by not giving a strong punch to Aarav when he hugged me.

I am in my thoughts when my phn rang. This phn always disturbs my thoughts. I saw the caller I'd it's from my mom.

"Ha maa. Tell me.

"'s urgent and you have to come to Delhi." Mom said in a hurry tone.

"But what is that urgency now. I told you I will come after a week" I said to my mom.

"I can't tell you now. Cancel all that tour and I want to see you here by tomorrow evening" now my said in a demanding tone.

"OK I will come " I said and ended the call.

Why my mom is asking me to come? Is Mr. Rude told everything to our parents? No he can't do that.

"I am leaving tomorrow and I don't know when I will meet you all again " I said to my frds.

We hugged each other. We are strongly attached to each other. I love them very much. They are with me in every time. We can't stay with out fighting with each other. I believe we tease and fight only with those who are near to our heart.

I  am feeling sad for missing them including Likith and Aarav. I still can't believe why Aarav behaved like that. We are good frds.

Karthik POV

I am in my plane returning to my place but my mind is filled with all the happened from morning. This day can be called as TWIST'S DAY in my life.

I went to my office and unable to concentrate on anything. If this will happen for some more time I will define turn mad:(

I want her to regret for what she have done.

"Hai bro!! How is your trip ? How is bhabhi? Is she fine? Have you taken her with you?" Nandu asked sequence of questions.

But how he know that I went to Chennai? I glance him with questioning eyes.

"I called you but you didn't lift my call so I called your PA " do you get your answer.

"OK but you don't think I went there for her" I said to Nandu

"Then tell me the reason why you went there " he asked me.

"I went there as a guest" I said in a casual tone.

"Oh..from when are you attending clg functions as a guest?" He said sarcastically

I gave a cool look to him.

"Cool bro  as far as I know you will never attend any function as a guest but this time you attended so I will think it's because of my bhabhi" he said

"I am not in a position now to enjoy your jokes. Leave from her or I will kick you" I said in a angry tone.

"OK bro have some patience. You have to wait for few more months to make her come to you" he said.

Suddenly my brain struck with an idea. I know how to make her come to me. You will come to me. Get ready to enjoy my tocher.

What idea karthik had in his brain?

Is Karthik thinking correct?

I am little busy and can't find time to update.

Happy Reading😍😍

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