Chapter 59

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I want to dedicate this chapter to my friends..

Triveni, Prannu, Anusha, Jashma,sindhu

Ridima pov

I woke up  when he is shouting for the 50th time to wake me up. Has he gone mad!! What will I do by waking up early in the morning.

I opened my eyes just to see what he is doing.

Kumar...What's this? Can't you handle without me just for few days" he is saying with aggressive tone.

I don't know where this cold Karthik came from. When it comes to business or family he is too serious and no one can convince him in that.

I am in my thoughts when he suddenly turned towards me and I covered myself with blanket on my face.

I can't face Rude now..He will talk in a cold tone which I can't take.

I opened my eyes taking blanket from my face and saw him sitting beside me.

"Ridu...Actually I have set everything and took a long leave but something urgent came and we have to move" he said without any pause with sad eyes.

Not a problem Karthik...What's the difference where we are when you are with me" I said and pecked his lips but he captured my lips turning it in to a passionate kiss.

This man will never leave any chance.

Don't worry baby we will continue in home" he said making me blush more.

After a couple of hours we are in plane heading back to our home...Finally home sweet home.

I even didn't spoke with maa frequently in this week. I can't forget these days in my life. These are the most memorable days.

I don't want to go home. If once we reach home he will be engaged in office work and I will be busy with my studies. god studies....I had even forgot when I last went to college.

These days I am totalling neglecting my studies. If Karthik came to notice this he will definitely send me to US.

I think my end exams will be near and even don't know atleast the starting topics of them.

Once my results are out I will definitely ran to some place and only return when Karthik's anger reach earth or else he will definitely shout at me and takes stupid decision of sending me and no one can stop him this time as he will give more priority to my studies. this shouldn't happen I will definitely score well.

Where are you baby?"

I will definitely get good marks" I said a little loud and saw him seeing me.

What are you talking?"

Nothing nothing"

From when are your end exams scheduled" he asked making me sad.

What I have to tell him? when even I  don't know..

They will be in next month"

So, you don't know when you are having exams? They are from next Monday"

What next Monday!!! I am dead now. I have not yet started preparation "

Yes you will not can you when you are always roaming like a puppy around me" he said and I glared at him.

You don't worry I can manage..even I used to study just before my exams and I always topped in them"

That's before marriage baby..."

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