chapter 15

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I knocked the door and Nisha opened the door.

"Ridu......" She shouted.

She shouted as if she was shocked to see me and waking up remaining 2 devil's.

Karthik POV

I dropped my mom in our house and we reached office.

"Bro are you feeling sad. Don't worry there are only few months she will be with you for ever" Nandu said making me smile

Yes there are more 2 months for her studies to complete. And she will be with me forever.

"OK then I will leave meet you soon"Nandu said hugging me.

"OK bro I am going to abroad on a work for a month " I said to Nandu

"When are you leaving?" Nandu asked.

"May be after 2 or 3 days"I told him.

I engaged in to my work just to come out of her thoughts. I have a lot of work. And have to do all the necessary preparations for the US project.

I returned to home around 9 pm and found my mom waiting for me.

"Karthik your dad returned from Agra this evening" my mom said

I went to my dad and explained about our bussiness to my dad.

I always explain about every project to my dad. He is expert in bussiness and suggest me to go to US as fast as I can.

I thought of calling Radio but I was taken back as it is late watching clock.

I jumped into bed but I am remembering her eyes I lost in seeing her eyes.

I logged in to my Facebook account. I lost interest in social media after taking over bussiness. Last time I uploaded my pics when I own best entrepreneur award. After that I never logged in.  I want to see her now but I don't have her  pics. having no other option I searched her account.

It has very few pics of her. All pics are with group of people three girls and two boys. I am sliding her pics and in one pic I found one guy put his hand on her shoulder. I clutched my fist. I don't know why I will feel irritated if any guy touches her.
May be this is love😜😜

I dozed in to sleep seeing her  pics.

Ridima POV

"Ohh... god you returned I thought of placing a missing notice in our college notice board " Amrutha said playing a worst joke.

"Stop it yaar I am not in a mood to enjoy all your stupid jokes" I said dragging my big trolley in to my room.

My bed is totally mess with all things scattered I felt angry by seeing my bed.

I maintain all my belongings in a mannered way and I don't like if anyone messes with my things. I opened my trolley and took a comforter and dozed in to sleep.

Riduu... Wakeup yaar we are hungry. Lets eat something my frd shouted in my ear.

"Karthik No don't come near..."I shouted aloud. I remembered my engagement when he is coming near to me.

All my frds gave me an werid look. I'm dead now there is no way to escape from them.

I rushed in to washroom. Ridu what have you done. You really messed everything. Get prepared to answer as there will be a round table conference now. I stepped out of washroom.

"Actually I want to tell you all an important matter...." I said

"We will discuss it Karthik ohh sorry Ridima after having some food as we need some energy to listen to you " Nisha said.

I gave an cool look to her. We went out and returned back to room all of my frds are silent . they are not either talking with me or to one another. I can't live like this with my frds I want my world back.

This man changed my world making me sad.

I started explaining everything to them. When I said Karthik Chouhan. Immediately My another frd vardhini searched his profile in fb. This is the stupid act of me which messed my life. If say no to my parents they will never force me. I used my IIT brain and fallen in a well...!😢😢

They are shocked to see him. I feel irritated when they say he is hot, handsome.......😵😵😵

I coughed just a gain their attention. They resumed into the discussion. When I told I have engaged they got shocked and shouted.

" what.....?" Three of them in unison.

They are not sad for my engagement but feeling sad as they missed the ceremony.

"So are you going to call atleast for your marriage or you are going to tell us again like this?" Amritha said in a angry tone.

I'm always correct I can understand my devil's very well.

I ended our discussion and sat still giving them some time to asks questions. My devil's will never get queries in subject but get all possible queries in these matters.

But to my shock none of them asked even one question but laughed a loud.

I feel irritated by their laugh. And shouted "stop....."a loud.

"See I don't want other person to know about all of these even Aarav and likith also. As I am not interested in this marriage and I will  definitely escape from this stuff." I said making all them shocked.

"Ridu..but.."Nisha is asking

"Let's don't talk about this again" I said and walked out of the room.

I am walking towards my department and found Aarav walking towards now.

What I have to say now ? Lying became part of my life.

"Hai are you? " Aarav  asked.

I'm fine I said and walked forward with out leaving him any chance to ask any question.

Exams are near and even don't start my preparation. I have to do top also in this last semester.

I returned to room with lot of books in my hands which you have to study now.

My frds all are laughing when they see me as if they saw a cartoon or a joker. I gave a cooled look to them but they didn't stopped their laugh.

Why Ridima don't want to say to anyone about her engagement?

Will she escape from this marriage?

Happy Reading😍😍😍

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