Chapter 53

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Sorry for the late update...

Ridima pov

I am so happy to meet Arjun after a long time. He always teases me and now started to tease me by my husband name.

I know this is the first time karthik came to village and I want to show our village to him. I asked Arjun what are the places near by places so I can take him.

He told me different places.I choose the best among them.

"This places will be so romantic Ridu" he said and I pinched him to which we both giggled.

I introduced Arjun to Karthik but he he behaved so rudely. How can he be so rude to him? I introduced him casually.

By the time I went to room it's totally mess. I know he is frustrated but how can he create this much of mess. I am arranging them but he is throwing them on floor.

"Remember... you are MINE" he said and before I ask him something he left the room .

When I have forget that I am Mrs. Ridima Karthik? .

Is he possessive about me? I spent lot of time with Arjun but it doesn't mean that I forgot him.

I recalled what happened from morning to evening then I remembered his angry looks, his sad face...

I walked out and saw him sitting with papa. He saw me but immediately turned his gaze away.

Mom asked me to give snacks and tea for papa and Karthik but my Karthik will not drink tea na so I took milkshake for him.

"Dad here are your snacks" I said but looking at him but his face is still red. god why is he that much angry?

Papa took tea and left from there as he is having some work.

"Karthik have your snacks" but he again ignored me.

"What you want me to do now?"  I asked him but his face is blank with no emotions.

God he is killing me with expression less face.

"I am sorry Karthik if I hurt you"

"It's becoming an habit to you. This time I am not gonna leave this easy" he said and tried to walk and I caught his hand and made him to sit.

"What all this Karthik? You are behaving like a kid have this ..I know you didn't had lunch properly" I said keeping glass near his mouth making him to drink.

He started having then my phn rang. His face became red by seeing the caller id.

"Aarav" why this guy is calling me now? All this people will never let me live happily with my husband.

Karthik took phn and attended the call.

"Why you are calling to my Wife?"

"Don't even try to call her again" he said and ended the call and gave me a deadly look.

What have I done now? Few minutes back he is normal but now his punk face is back.

"I didn't gave my number to him" I said even though he didn't asked me.

"Did I asked you?" He spoke raising his brow's and I quickly nodded in negative.

"Come sit here" he said and I went immediately.

"See I am not angry with you Ridu..but I am little disturbed with all this" he said and I hugged him.

"Why you ignored me?" He asked

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