chapter 14

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"Man... are you mad. We came here to meet your love. Why are you driving back to city? Don't you want to see her??" Nandu asked continuous questions without even a single pause.

"Just shut your mouth for some time Nandu for gods sake" I almost yelled on him.

He's quiet now but too serious.

"Bro tell me famous gift shop in this locality" I asked him.

"Omg are you going to buy gift for bhabhi...!" He exclaimed

"Why are you surprised man I am going to buy for my fiance. Don't waste time and suggest me fast as we have little time" I said

He suggested me a shop. I am totally confused now what I have to buy. I even don't know her favorite color. But now buying her gift of her choice is a hectic task.

I am in a confusion and my phone rang.... "Karthik where are you? We are waiting for you" my mom asked

"I am cmg mom" I ended the call immediately not giving any chance for my mom to ask further queries.

I choose a pen as her exams are cmg and I want her to remember me every second even when she is writing exam.

"Are you coming or shall I leave?" Nandu shouted at me.

He is more curious to see her than me.

"Wait man I am cmg" I told him .

We are driving to station and my phn rang again. It's from my mom again.

"Karthik train will arrive within 5 mins. Where are you?" This time my mom shouted on me

With in 2 mins we will be there by saying this I pressed the accelerator.

I am driving as fast as I can but this stupid traffic is not allowing me to drive. We reached station and I heard the announcement of her train.

I ran towards her platform. But in vain the train started moving.

I saw her biding bye to everyone. She saw me and her eyes enlarged.

We both are looking each other until her image on my eyes faded.

All of our family members are arriving towards me.

"Where are you Karthik till now?" My mom asked in an angry tone.

"I got a call mom" I said and walked back to my car.

Nandu is continuously laughing.

"What will you do now? Give me your gift I will present it to my girl friend " he said still laughing.

Poor fellow... he is thinking that I have not seen her but I saw her. She is sad may be for missing me.

I came to home at night. Mom is waiting for me. I assumed the day where my Radio is waiting for me and laughed to myself

"Karthik now a days why are you laughing to yourself? Are you gone mad?" My mom said with concern.

"No mom nothing like that... I just remembered a joke" I said

We both are having dinner. My mom waits for me until I've dinner daily. Even when I'm away from home, she always enquiries about my well being. Now, if I say I had to go abroad for a month she will cry. How should I tell her now???

"Mom I have an important work in US. I need to stay there for a month... " I said.

Her face expressions changed into sad and she just nodded her head in positive.

"Mom why you are worried? I will skype you everyday and it's just 1 month and I will return back. You don't worry" I said trying to convince my mom.

She smiled a little now making me feel happy. How can I go making my mom sad? But now everything is fine. I will go happily .

Ridima pov:

I am happy to see her but my mind strike with the thought that Mr. Rude accompanied with her and my smile faded away.

I am searching whether he came or not and then a voice came making me shy.

"Beta Karthik came with me. He went to park the car and will accompany us in few minutes" his mom said making me shy.

Oh god what's happening. Why did he came now. I know if someone deny his words he will get angry from my jiju as he said stupid intro about him.

I intentionally walked out of the room to make him anger. I'm even sure he didn't came downstairs when Nandu called bcoz he is angry on me.

I am talking with my mom and my sasuma is dialing his number. I had a glance on his number and remembered it.

I heard their conversation and came to understand that he went on some important work.

God... atleast save me for this time. Make him not to arive before my train comes.

After some time she again called him but I don't know what he answered and announcement to my train is made.

I gathered all my luggage and checked the platform and moved ahead.

This time I am feeling strange bcz earlier whenever I return to hostel, only my mom and dad used accompany me. But now sasu maa is also with me.

Train has arrived and my papa placed all my luggage in the train. I am standing at the door waving bye to my family members.

I suddenly felt some eyes on me and I am sure he is Mr.Rude.

I turned to see him. Oh! my god you will never save me from him.

He is continuously looking at me and I'm lost in his looks. We kept staring at each other till we were far away making sure we can't see each other.

I settled in my seat but my mind is memorizing only my previous journey which changed my life.

How can I study with all this in my head. My semester exams are arriving and I can't focus now.

My biggest task now is telling my friends about all this and clearing all their douts .

I don't want all the college to know about this. Especially Aarav who always teases me. I'm sure if he knows this he will definitely make me cry with his teasing.

I am sitting silent but still my brain heated with all this thoughts.

Whatever happens I have to escape from this marriage .

My phn started ringing. It's from my papa. He always calls me for every 2 hrs in my journey making sure that I am fine. In my first and second years he used to accompany me to Chennai and my frds make fun of me. I told my papa not to accompany me in my third year and a great war happened between me and my papa but finally I won the battle and he stopped accompanying me.

I had my dinner and dozed into sleep. I woke at 4am as my station will arrive within an hour and I freshed up myself and was ready to step out of all this stupid stuff and enter into my world where I can find some peace.

Why Ridima want this marriage to break?

Did she lie to Karthik?

Is she is in love with someone?

I wrote a long chapter and I will continue writing long chapters.

Actually this chapter is around 1200 words.

Hope you enjoyed .

Happy Reading😍😍

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