chapter 27

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Happy Diwali to all my readers.

Have a safe diwali. Hope this Diwali brings light in your life

Karthik pov

I opened the door and shocked to see her in that stupid arms again. Seeing me they separated and my anger reached peaks and I walked inside the room

"How dare you to touch her?" I said holding his collar

"'s not what your thinking...." she said

I increased the grip on his collar and about to beat him but she stopped me catching my hand.

"Pls me" she said stammering

"What shall I listen? What he is doing here? " I asked holding her shoulders tight

"Bro..stop you are hurting her.." that stupid said

" are asking to leave him and he is asking to leave you.." I said

"Pls don't take wrong..Let me explain you" she said

"What you will explain? You will explain how it will be in his arms ? " I said without knowing what I am saying and she hit me hard on my cheeck.

"How dare you are to slap me...?" I said holding her hair.

"I am not coward to listen all the non sense you speak" she said with even having a guilty of slap me.

"Ok..then come downstairs.  You will explain everything infront of your parents and relatives present" I said and started walking but she caught my hand

"Listen to me.." she said pleading me

"Yes I would have listen to you if you said before slapping me" I said in a anger tone

"Ridu..what happened? Karthik why are you too anger? What happened?" Bhabhi came and said

"Your sister will explain you bhabhi. After all she is good in explaining things than me" I said to bhabhi without looking her and walked out talking the blade dress with me.

Ridima pov

"Saru I have to tell a lot of things " I am speaking to her but no response came and I turned around to see her but I am shocked to see Aarav

"What are you doing in my room?" I said

"Came to see the room of my love" he disgusting

"Stop all this Aarav. I already said that I am not in love with you and I am going to get married" I said in a angry tone

" are not in love with me but your are not in  love with so called your fiance right" he said laughing

"Who said that I am not happy about this proposal? " I said maintaing the same angry tone

"I didn't asked wheather you are happy or not" He said

"Then what did you asked and what you want me to speak" I said

"Tell me you love him then I will leave all this and will never show my face " He said

What I have to tell him? I am not in love with Rude. How can I tell him lie?

"I am not in love with anyone" I said looking down

"Don't lie that you are not in love with anyone. You love me but you can't understand that" he said coming closer to me.

"No..I don't love you" I said

"Then why you not invited me to your marriage?" He asked me taking few more steps forward.

I didn't gave answer. I didn't invite Likith also.

"Bcoz seeing me infront you can't get married" he said and took me in his arms

I am pulling him but he is not leaving me. Suddenly door opened and I saw Mr. Rude holding a cover in his hands and a smile on his lips. I never saw him happy but seeing me in his arms his expressions changed in to anger and his face is blood red.

He walked in immediately and hold Aarav's collar.

I asked him to leave Aarav but he is not in a position to listen.

I tried hard to make him listen to me but it went in vain and he caught me by my shoulders and asked what he have to listen and Aarav interrupted us.

I know he will get more anger now. What this Aarav is doing to me? Whenever  I believe we are getting close he comes in middle and makes everything runied.

"What you will explain? You will explain how it will be in his arms ? "  He said and Now I can't control my anger and slapped him on his cheek.

I don't know what I have done but listening his words made me more anger and I unknowingly slapped him.

I again asked him to listen to me but he didn't ans walking downstairs I caught his hands to not let him go.

Saru dhi came asked why he is anger? And asked to explain

"Your sister will explain you bhabhi. After all she is good in explaining things than me" He said to dhi leaving from their with even glancing me.

I fall downon floor crying and Saru came immediately to me.

"Ridu...what happened? " she said in a concerned tone.

I am still crying fearing what will happen next.

"Ridu...stop crying and come to room first" she said and we went to my room

Even now I am not in a position to speak.

"Ridu...tell me why you both fight?" She is asking but I am maintaining silence

"Ridu...tell me this is the last time I am asking you after I will call Karthik and he will tell me" she said

I didn't speak she dialled Karthik and turned on the speaker.

I thought he will reject the call but he lifted and maintained silence

"Karthik what happened? Why crying?" Saru asked

"Why she is crying? I should be the one to feel sad" He said still in a angry tone

"Tell me what happened first amd later you both can fight" Saru asked him again

"Bhabhi I already told you that your sister will explain you why I am anger ask her she will explain you" He said and ended the call.

"Ridu..tell me na" dhi asked in a concerned tone.

I wipped my tears and explained her everything what happened  from the day we are engaged till today.

"Why you didn't told me before?" She asked me.

"I thought all was ended and it is not necessary" I said to dhi.

"OK don't worry I will talk with Karthik" dhi said and started dialing his number but it is coming a busy tone.

"Ridu..don't worry I will speak with Amrith" Dhi said and walked downstairs.

Will Karthik understand?

What Ridima did is correct? i.e slapping Karthik

Happy reading guys...

Till nxt update byee....😍😍😍

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