chapter 32

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Hai guys....

This chapter is special one. Today is my besty birthday. It have been 11 years we have met.

She is  with me in every step of my life. I am very fortunate to have her. Now my sweet , cute and little Friend is turning Nineteen. I want all of you to wish her.

Happy birthday VARDHINI😍😍🎂🎂🎂🎂

Ridima pov

He kept a bite in his mouth and gave me a wried look.

"You know there will be ritual like this then why you didn't learn cooking" he sai
d  keeping a weird face.

"I tried my best....." I said

Don't ever try again" he said still maintaining the same expressions. 

Have I done too worst? I thought it will not be delicious but at least one can eat?

Mom and papa are about to keep but he stopped saying that they no need to spoil their mouth. I feel really sad for making everyone in hunger. I am least bothered at him infact I will be happy if he stays in hunger.

I tasted it. It is not too bad why he said like that? You are dead how dare you are to tease me. With that I went to room shouting how dare.....but the scene over left me in shock and I immediately closed my eyes.

"Don't you have any manners to knock the door" he said and I opened my eyes hopping he wore his shirt.

"Don't you know to lock the door before changing " I said in a tone as he said.

"Why you said that food is not good?" I asked in full rage.

" is not good ...what's wrong in that" she said simply.

"Don't lie..I tasted it. It is delicious " I said Of course I said more. I know it is not delicious.

"Delicious....have your taste buds damaged" he said laughing as if I have played a joke.

"You...." I am saying but interrupted my maa.

"Ridu...get ready their is a another ritual" she is saying but again he interrupted.

"Mom don't strain yourself.  She knows about all rituals you no need to explain" he said turned towards me winking.

What happened to him why he is teasing me? I just laughed and went towards the changing room.'s really a big deal.....I can easily change in to shorts in seconds but this saree...oh..god what shall I do now? I even don't know the primitive step to tie it😏😏😏

Yes...I will do it by watching video and I felt very happy but my happiness faded in nanoseconds remembering that I didn't brought my phn.

I tried hard and came out hopping he will not be their in the room but always my fate is bad sorry worst he is their doing some work in the laptop.

Thank God he is busy in his work I have to go from here. With that thought I slipped off and screamed.

"What happened........" he shouted and came near to me and made me to stand and started laughing.

Why he is laughing? How cruel your Karthik Chouhan?

"Is this any new outfit? Who designed this really so beautiful? Have you suggested this? Really you have a fantastic taste." He said while he is laughing.

"Shut up...this is not any new outfit. I wore saree and can't you that" I said in anger.

"Saree...this...." he said and made me to stand infront of mirror.

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