Chapter 64

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Ridima pov

I don't know what he wants. Handling his bussiness is not at all an easy task. I don't want to get Stressed but wanted to lead a happy life.

At present I want him to get well soon and this is more important to me.

I tried hard to even convince mom but failed utterly. I am so lucky to have a husband who wishes to see his wife success. But what about his health now!! I am worried about him.

I said this even to mom but she assured me that she will be taking care of him. Now I am afraid of dealing a project and that too a prestigious project.

I don't know whether I will succeed or not but I want Karthik to be happy so I agreed to do.

But the heart breaking matter is there is a meeting tommorow. I don't know anything about it.

This man will always throws me in tension. How can I manage now. Up to how much extent Karthik can help me. It's almost noon now and there are only few more hours left.

I brought all the files of this project and started to study them.

"Ridu.." I heard Karthik calling me when I finished reading third file.

I went to our room and saw him laughing seeing me. Why he is laughing at me? Then I remembered that I am holding a file.

See how focused you are? You even forgot about me?

Shut up it's all becoz of you and I will never forget you" I said in a serious tone.

Come I will explain you" he said

Wait I will bring remaining files"

There's no need of them just came" he said. I wondered how can he remember all those.

I sat beside him leaning my head on his shoulder. straight and pay attention" he said with a cold voice.

So the Bussiness man walla Karthik is back.

I am listening to him and I should agree that he is genius.

He is even telling every small thing which is making me more wonder.

If I turn my head or if he is thinking I am not paying any attention then he is seeing me with angry eyes.

I am listening from long long time and now I lost my concentration.

Besides that both my brian and stomach are empty. If I ask him to stop then he will shout and gives me a long long speech how to be professional .

"Karthik..." I said in a most lovely.

"What do you want?"

"Aren't you feeling hungry? Wait I will bring you lunch" I said and ran out even without seeing him.

"Mom...I am exhausted" I said while resting my head on her lap.

"What happened Ridu?" she said caressing my hairs.

"See what Karthik had done?"

"What he had done? Did he shout at you?"

"No's better if he shouted or being mad at me" I said in a sad tone.

"Then what happened?" Mom asked with full curiosity.

"Mom he is explaining since long long time without even a pause. If I even dare to turn my eyes he is glaring as I have done a great sin. If it's going to be like this I am going to be mad" I said with a dull voice and mom laughed out.

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