chapter 29

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Ridima pov

"Ridu...please save me" he said making me confused.

Why is he asking for help? Anyways I have to move from here or all will know about this.

"Papa I will come in 5 mins important call" I said to my papa and rushed into my room

"What happened Aarav?" I asked him.

"Karthik please leave me...." he is saying in a worried tone.

Karthik!!! What is he doing there? Why Aarav is asking him to leave? Is karthik harming Aarav?

"Tell me what happened?" I am saying but he ended the call.

I immediately called him(karthik) it's ringing but he is not attending. I kept on trying and after a long trails he attended.

"He..ll...o" I said stammering

'If you called for this stupid just end the call and get ready for haldi" he said in an angry tone

I immediately ended the call hopping nothing worst had happened and went downstairs.

"Dhi..ended your call so early. Is Jiju busy ? " one of my cousin said teasing me.

"Yes your Jiju is so busy" I said.

I have no mood to eat I am thinking why he is harming Aarav?

" tommorow is your haldi and if you don't eat properly you will feel tired" my mom said.

I started eating just to satisfy my mom. We all ended our dinner and I am going to my room but saru dhi came in front of me.

"Ridu..what happened again? Why are you looking dull? Has karthik said something?" She asked me and I took her to my room and started explaining her what had happened?

"Ridu..forget everything and be happy. I believe whatever Karthik do is correct and I am sure there is a strong reason for his act" she said comforting me.

"But...dhi" I am saying but she offended me.

"Ridu...listen to me you are going to get married to Karthik. If you ask him anything he will feel sad and think that you are not having trust on him" and she left to her room.

Karthik pov

I will send him she said but how can she send such a man out of her house I should do something.

"Amrith let us send that man away" I said to Amrith.

"But Karthik you told Ridima to send him. Why you suddenly changed your mind?" He asked me.

"I know he will not leave if she asks him" I said to Amrith.

"Let her try once" he said to me.

"No..I am sure she can't do this. Let me do this" I said to him.

"Ok..what shall we do now?" He asked me

"Take his number from bhabhi and ask him to come to our guest house " I said to Amrith.

He called him and asked him to meet us. I thought that he will not agree but to my suprise he agreed.

Me and Amrith are waiting for him and he came.

"Hai bro.." He said laughing.

Me...bro....what the....

"Don't call me bro" I said in a warning tone.

"We both are brothers right as you are going to get married to my love" he said irritating me more.

"Shut up....." I shouted on him.

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