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The ride back from our second encounter with the two enhanced twins, is dead silent. I don't know what Natasha and them saw but what that witch made me see, was my worst nightmare.... I am curled up in a small ball at the top of the jet.

I look around the ship to see Natasha shivering in a corner. Bruce is using every piece of his cardigan to keep him as warm as possible. Steve is zoned out and clutching his shield a tad bit too hard. Thor rested his elbows on his knees and leaned his face against the palm of his hands. Tony and Clint seemed like they got out of that battle untouched, possibly because they had their minds messed with once before.

I curl my knees against my chest and try to think of happy things like the beaches I visited in D.R. or puppies. But, still couldn't get the image out of my head.

"Hey. You ok?" A voice piped up.

I pull out my gun, load it and aim it in a matter of seconds. I look passed the barrel of my gun to see a familiar red, white and blue uniform.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Y/N, it's just me." Steve says.

I slowly put down my gun and say:

"I'm sorry. I'm- I'm so sorry."

"I came to check to see if you were ok. You're a new and important member to the team. And this witch messing with our heads, was something that you were not ready for." He explains.

I close my eyes and huff before I say:

"I'll be fine."

"I know you are. I'm well aware that you are a lot stronger than you look. But what about currently, how do you feel right now?" He says.

"I feel... guilty." I whisper.

His silence was my queue to continue.

"A couple years, before I chose to be apart of the Avengers. I was in the Marine Corps. The main reason I got out of it was because my partner and I had a very gruesome encounter with an enhanced. The enhanced could make things explode anytime he wanted to... few people knew exactly what he was capable of. But he was our mission, so he was to take him out either way.... the minute we plant a foot in that building, my partner stepped on what we thought was a broken I.E.D." I start.

I needed to take a minute to regroup. I squeeze my eyes shut and soon after, I felt a hard chest against my head. He ran his fingers through my hair and rubbed circles on my back.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He whispers.

"I couldn't think of anyone else I would share this with." I say.

He pulls away and gives me a small, reassuring smile. I take a deep breathe and continue:

"The enhanced detonated the I.E.D. at the last minute. And my partner lost everything from the knees down. I wanted to stay with him until his last breathe. But he wouldn't let me, he said to run away while I still could. As the stubborn woman I am today, I wouldn't go. The last thing that he did before he died, was show me what his powers were. He could transport objects and people to all kinds of places. He touched my shoulder and closed his eyes. Once second I was with him and the next, I was in my bunk. I ran out of the hall to see the building I was in seconds before, burst into flames...."

"You did everything that you could, Y/N." He says.

"Did I? I ran like a coward, when I needed to be strong, not only for myself but for my country. And I failed them both." I said.

"Don't you say that." He says.

"What was his name?.... your partner." He adds.

I pull out my dog tag chain with mine and Jordan's tag. He says:

"Permission to touch."

"Granted." I say.

I took off my chain and handed it to him. He ran his thumb over the engravings of the letters.

"So this is why you prefer to work alone, huh.?" He asks.

I nod and I say:

"That was the only thing left of him...."

He gave me back the chain and I put it back over my neck. He said:

"Come here."

He gestured for a hug. I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes. He stayed with me until I fell asleep. He held me in his lap as he took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders to keep me warm. I was asleep, or so he thought. Then he spoke:

"You are the most beautiful, strong and resilient woman, I have ever met. I could sense that about you when I read your profile for the first time. I know what is like to lose a partner. I'll tell you about it some other time... But I'm waiting for the right time to ask you on a date. To put a smile on your beautiful face, by showing up at your door with red roses and a box of chocolates..."

I could hear the smile in his voice. Then he adds:

"Until then, beautiful..... and I.... I love you."

He huffs and says to himself:

"What a coward. You wait until she's asleep to confess your feelings for her."

I felt his hand on my shoulder and I subtlety intertwined my hand with his. I heard him suck in a breathe. Then I said:

"I love you too."

The Marvel's Avengers Imagines {CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now