Depleting Confidence (4/4)

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Then I open the door and slowly made my way to the bathroom, where I brush my teeth, wash my face and brush my hair. I pull my hair into a high ponytail before walk out of the bathroom. I was staring at the ground momentarily and I run into Steve's chest with an ompf!

I bounce off his chest and was heading towards the ground before Steve caught me. My blood runs cold in my veins as I feel his breath can against my lips.

I pull away from him and clear my throat before saying:


"Pam," He repeats.

"Did you need to use the bathroom or...?" I trail off.

"No, I don't. I just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay." He says.

"You seem... I don't know, anxious? Is that the word that I'm looking for?" He adds.

"I'm anxious and nervous because I didn't know that all the Avengers would be here, and I'm not a talkative person." I explain.

"Well you're talking to me right now. You talk to Bucky just fine." He states.

"You guys are different."

"How?" He contradicts.

"Because I trust you guys. I can normally talk to people I trust, but when I have to talk to people that I don't know or trust... I stutter, like really bad." I say.

"I never heard you stutter before." He says.

"And hopefully you don't," I say.

"Well for the record, half of them think that you are cute and adorable; and the other half admires your art. So I don't think they would judge you if you do stutter." He consoles.

I sigh and say:

"Okay, just let me put my things away first."

I set my stuff on the dress and slowly walk out of my room. Steve motions me to follow him and I hesitantly comply. The Avengers were all conversing amongst themselves but some of them would glance at me every now and then. Embarrassment pinches my cheeks and I turn away from them to pout my coffee into a mug. I pour sugar and French Vanilla creamer into it before I stir it. I hum as I take a sip of it.

"You have such beautiful hair," a woman says as she touches my ponytail.

I inhale sharply and completely forgot that I was still drinking my coffee. The coffee went into the wrong pipe and I set down my coffee before I cough viciously into my elbow.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." She says.

I continue to cough until all the coffee left my esophagus. I glance over to see Natasha giving me a small smile.

"It's okay, I get scared too easily anyhow." I say hoarsely.

"But thank you," I add.

I grab my coffee mug before walking to the breakfast table where the rest of the Avengers were sitting. Steve and Bucky saved me a seat in between the two of them and I sigh in relief. I sit in between the two giants and grab a plate and a bagel from the center of the table. I use the knife to swear cream cheese on the bagel and Steve asked:

"So how did the talk with Natasha go?"

"I choked on my coffee," I say, making Bucky laugh.

"Shut up," I say, nudging him playfully.

"Well aren't you three cozy?" Sam states.

Steve, Bucky and I all freeze in our spots and look at Sam.

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