Steve Rogers (An Avengers Endgame Story) [6/12]

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(Steve's P.O.V)
Lightning runs through the sky as thunder claps chase after it. Trees crack under the forces of Y/N's winds. Except this time, the winds are much stronger than I've ever seen it.

I lay on my back with both of my arms tucked behind my head as I sink into the empty bed. My eyes are completely adjusted to the pitch black darkness and I hear a faint knock on my door. I slowly stand from my bed and stretch out my muscles as I walk over to my door.

Opening the door, I see Nat breathing heavily.

"Nat, what's wrong? Is it Y/N?" I ask.

She nods and gulps before saying:

"I'm holding her like you told me to, but it doesn't seem to be working."

After she says this, the ground beneath us begins to shake softly.

"Earthquake," I say to myself before sprinting to Nat's room.

I inhale sharply when I see Nat's bed slowly beginning to catch fire. The fire travels up Y/N body and from the lighting of the fire, I see black veins forming under her skin.

"What the-" Rhodes says as he walks into the room as well.

"Rhodey, get the fire distinguisher." I state:

He nods before running out the room.

The earthquake magnified and objects clatter and crack onto the floor. Rhodey comes back sigh a fire distinguisher and soon everyone walks into Nat's room, completely in shock of what Y/N was causing.

I put the fire out with the fire distinguisher, but the fire only returns. I hold Y/N's body into my arms and  push the baby hairs away from her face as I gently shake her awake.

"Y/N," I say.

Her eyes are clamped shut and her fists are balled up into a white knuckle grip. Whimpers leaves her lips and another quake erupts from the Earth.

"Y/N, please sweetheart, you have to wake up." I state, shaking her again.

Her eyes snap open and her eyes are completely black like tar and completely lifeless.

"Y/N?" I say shockingly.

Her eyes slowly switches back to her normal, Y/E/C orbs.

"Steve? What happened?" She asks breathlessly.

She sits up in the bed and notices that the bed was on fire.

"Oh crap," She says.

She motions her hand over the fire and the fire disappears. The wind, rain and earthquake all mellow out into silence.

I look at her, completely confused as to what I just saw. How dark and lifeless her eyes were when she was controlling all four elements all at once.

She hasn't told us what happened when she did use all four elements. To be honest, none of us actually asked about it.

"I'm so sorry, you guys. I don't know what got into me." She apologizes.

She pulls away from my touch and stands from the bed. Everyone looks at her with the same level of confusion as me. She puts her head down and rushes out of the room.

I attempt to run after her, wanting answers when Nat steps in front of me.

"I don't think that is such a great idea," she says.

"How? I'm the one that got her to stop all do this," I state.

"And who got her this emotionally unstable to begin with?" She asks.

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