Steve Rogers (An Avengers Endgame Story) [1/12]

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A/N: This was story has twelve parts and no spoilers because this was written before I watched Endgame, which was completely amazing by the way! 💓💓💋 I'm just really happy for Steve, but sad that this was the last movie that he was Captain America.

It's been three days since everyone I've ever known faded away into dust. I wanted to help the Avengers fight while Thanos was still here, but my mother didn't want to risk my 'going dark'. I mean I can't blame her, she saw first hand what I am capable of. Now I have no choice but to help them fight to get my family back.

I have the powers to manipulate the elements: water, Earth, fire and air. When I use all of them at once, I 'go dark'; which means that I basically become a black hole for anything and everything. The elements that I manipulated chase after one another in a fast pace, creating a small black hole inside of me. According to my mother, my veins, eyes, hair and even my clothes turn jet black. Everything that I touch turns black and dies.

I park in front of the Avengers Compound, which looks like it is completely vacant. I sling my duffel bag over my shoulder as I walk up the steps of the compound.

"Hello?" I call.



"Who are you?" I hear a stern voice say.

The voice alone sends chills of fear down my spine.

"My name is Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N. I'm here for the Avengers. I think I can help you get everyone back." I explain.

"Where were you before Thanos came?" His voice snaps.

"My mother didn't want me to help because she feared that I would get out of control." I explain.

"If that is so, then why do you want to help us now?"

"Because I am willing to learn if that means that I get my family back." I state.

The compound went silent once again and that's when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. A sharp gasp escapes my lips and I spin around to see that it was Thor. He has changed a lot since I last saw him on TV. He know has short, dark brown hair and one dark brown eyes in comparison to his normal baby blue ones. He has scars that are visible from beneath his hair. He looks like actual crap. Whatever happened to him in his time away from a Earth really did take a toll on him.

"So you can control fire?" He asks.

"What?" I say.

He looks down at my hands and I follow his gaze to see flames spreading from my fingertips and onto my wrists.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say, putting the fire out.

"Um no- well partially- I can control multiple things." I say.

"So you're telekinetic?"

"No, I can control the elements. So, water, fire, Earth and air." I explain.

"Really?" He says, his voice rising from amusement.


"How strong are your powers?"

"I can create scale eight earthquakes, category five hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes and thunderstorms... in my sleep, when I have nightmares."

"I beg your pardon? You have to be asleep in order for them to work?"

"No, I.. don't sleep- I can't- those kind of things happen when I have nightmares, so I just don't sleep." I say.

"But my powers are quite powerful, I just need to sharpen them up a little and I will be good to go." I add.

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