Johnny Storm (A Fantastic Four Story) [2/6]

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My eyes slowly peel open and I groan softly as migraine fabricates on the inside of my skull. I place a hand on my forehead and for the first few seconds of opening my eyes, it was white.

The white slowly faded into color and that's when I see Johnny sitting by my bedside.

"Hey there, beautiful. How are you feeling?" He says with a warm smile.

"I feel sore and I have a migraine. How about you?" I say, my voice raspy.

"I feel pretty great." He says as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"But I'm sorry for not pulling you guys in fast enough. I feel terrible that you were the first to get it by the storm. I don't know what I would have done if you died." He adds, holding the side of my face into his warm hand.

"Aww, would the Johnny Storm cry over lil' old me?" I tease, placing my hand over his.

"You bet I would," He says with a cute smile.

"Do you want some pills for your migraine?" He asks.

"Yes please,"

"Well you can't take pills on an empty stomach. What do you want to eat?" He asks.

"A panini. Do you think they sell paninis?"

He chuckles to himself and says:

"Of course you want panini after being asleep for three days."

"I've been out for three days?"

"That you have," He says whilst nodding.

"You had me scared, that's for sure." He adds.

"Well aren't you sweet?"

"Thank you, I try."

I wrap my arms around him and he pulls me closer to him. He presses a kiss to my temple before he walks out of the room to get my panini. Johnny can be a really good man, he just lets his ego get in the way like most men do.


About two hours ago, Johnny comes back into my room with my panini, a bottle of juice and two pills of ibuprofen. He kisses my temple once again before leaving the room and letting me sleep.

I hear someone bang frantically on my door and I groan softly as I wake from my nap. I stand from the bed and open the door to see Reed, Susan and Johnny with worried looks on their faces.

"What it is? Keep in mind, I have a migraine." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Are you okay, Y/N? Do you feel anything out of the ordinary?" Susan asks, holding my face as she examine any body closely.

"I feel fine, I just have a little sore and I have a migraine. Johnny have me some ibuprofen to help out. Why, what's wrong?" I ask.

"We have reasons to believe that the stoke somehow genetically altered our DNA so we are capable of having special abilities." Reed explains.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I can set myself on fire and not burn to death." Johnny says with a smile, which only makes me even more confused.


"Come along. We'll explain more on the way. We have to find Ben." Susan says.

"What's wrong with Ben? Is he alright?" I ask.

"There's only one way to find out," Reed says before walking away.

Johnny, Susan and I follow Reed down the hall to Ben's room when I notice that Johnny was covering himself with a pink ski jacket.

"Johnny," I say, motioning to his jacket.

He smiles widely, which leads me to catch on very fast.

"If you wanted me to unzip it, all you have to do is ask." He says with a wink.

I roll my eyes before saying:

"So you can set yourself on fire, huh?"

"Yep, and I could have sworn that I was flying too." He asks.

"And what can Susan do?"

"I dunno,"

"I can turn myself invisible," She answers.

"Oh, that's cool."

"No, it's really not." She snarks.

"I can't believe this is happening. Are you sure you don't feel anything out of the ordinary?" She adds.

"Nope, I feel fine for the most part."

"And I can stretch any part of my anatomy," Reed intercepts.

"Oh, well I'm sure that ladies will love you."

Reed chuckles to himself and Susan sends me a glare.

"Too soon?" I say to Johnny, he shrugs his shoulders and continues walking.

He snaps his fingers continuously until a single flame appears above it. He snaps his fingers continuously until a single flame sticks up from the tip of his thumb.

"Guys!" He states.

Everyone stops in their tracks to see Johnny do his trick.

"Now picture that but everywhere. I mean, everywhere! What?" Johnny states excitedly.

"Yeah, the storm definitely altered our DNA somehow." Reed says.

"We have to find Ben," He adds.


It's been three days after the accident on the bridge and the press is literally having a field day over how Ben, Reed, Susan and Johnny saved people from dying on that bridge. They call them 'the Fantastic Four', which is great. I'm happy for them.

But I can't help but wonder why my powers haven't kicked in yet. Or if I have powers at all.

My migraine hasn't gotten better at all. It just lingered ever since we left the compound.

Reed has been analyzing everyone's powers. Johnny can heat up his body to match the same heat of the sun. In addition to that, he can fly. Ben is super strong because of his rocky interior and exterior. Susan can the invisible and form forcefields with her hands. Reed can stretch his body to extreme lengths.

And I am still a mystery. There is something altered about my DNA, but Reed and Susan can't figure it out.

"It's okay, Y/N." Johnny says as he claps a hand on my shoulder.

"How about I order you a panini, huh?" He adds.

I nod and sigh deeply as he leads me to the couch and away from the lab. I sit in a criss cross manner and Johnny wraps a blanket around me and hands me the remote.

I click through the channels mindlessly when my phone chimes. I glance at my phone to see that it is a text from my neighbor with an attachment.

"I'm sorry," the text read.

"What?" I say as I unlock my phone.

I click on the attachment and there is a thread of photos with Tyler, my boyfriend of five years, with some short brunette chick. In some photos, he was holding hands with her. In others, they were kissing or the brunette is leaving the house whilst adjusting her shirt.

That son of a bitch.

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