The Sons of Odin (1/2)

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-Val and her sister, Y/N, meet the Loki and Thor for the first time-
I throw my apple into the air and catch it as I whistle a tune. I take a bite of my apple and stand at the tallest hill of Scarr.

I sigh leaves me lips as I scan the ruins of Scar. The mountains made of piles of garbage. Constant portals open their mouths and vomits more garage to pollute the air.

"Wonderful place to settle down, Val." I say under my breath.

"Miss Y/N?" I hear a hologram voice say.

I huff in annoyance before I lift my arm to see a hologram of my the Grandmaster's assistant, Topaz.

"Your sister requests your presence in scavengers." She says.

"What? She knows damn well that I... You know what? I'll call her." I say before turning off the hologram.

I bring up my hologram contact and browse through until I see my sister's picture. I double tap her icon and listen to the phone dial.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Really? You asked Master's pet to call me? And you know that I don't scavenge, not for Grandmaster, not for you, not for anyone." I snap.

"I know, I just wanted to piss you off." She says.

Though, I couldn't see her, I can tell that she was smiling.

I roll my eyes before saying:

"You are so annoying."

"But you love me,"

"That's debatable." I say.

She fakes gasps; I can see her now, placing her hand over her chest.

"Where are you right now?" She asks.

"Out for a walk, I'll be back soon." I say.

"See you then." She says before hanging up.


I walk through the compound to notice some new faces. In the lounge, sat a man with jet black hair, pale skin and icy blue eyes. We had other Scarrians surround him as he spoke. He stops talking the second I pass by. He locks eyes with me and I roll my eyes at him before I continued walking. Soon after, I heard someone say:

"Hello there."

I didn't bother to respond until the same man stood in front of me. He was much taller than I expected, but that doesn't make it any harder to take him down if need be.

I fold my arms across my stomach and shift my weight all onto one hip.

"I haven't seen anybody this beautiful all the few days I've been on this planet." He comments.

I simply glare at him and said nothing.

"You don't speak much do you?" He asks.

"Only with those I don't like, which happens to be 99.9% of this planet." I say.

"Then, why are you here?" He asks, leaning against the wall.

"Family purposes." I say before walking around him to find Val.

The man suddenly appears in front of me again. I've met a lot of new people, but not once have I seen someone that magically appeared in front of me. The only thing that I've heard that can do such a thing his a sorcerer.

"Are you a sorcerer?" I ask.

His thin, pink lips stretch into a smirk before he says:

"And what would you say if I was?"

I sheath my machete and point it at him as I say:

"Well I don't like, nor do I trust sorcerers. So if I were you, I would choose your next words wisely."

"I love a woman who can put up a fight." He says, stepping toward the machete.

"You are one cocky son of a-"

"Loki!" A deeper, male voice calls.

"Now I know your name, you might want to watch your back. Loki." I say.

"Ooh, say my name again." He teases.

"Loki! Come over here this instant!" The man commands.

"Your mistress is calling." I say.

"We'll finish this conversation later?" He suggests.

"I wouldn't count on it." I say as I body check him before walking away.

I walk up to the bar, where I know Val would be. And sure enough, there she was, chugging a whole bottle of bourbon. I take it from her and took a swig.

"Hey!" He says.

"Oh can it Val, this is probably your third bottle." I shake.

"Yeah, but it's my third bottle." She whines.

I roll my eyes at her pettiness and look out the large, glass window that revealed the battle stadium. Masses of Scarrians filled the seats of the stadium and help up the encouraging signs of their favorite competitor.

Currently in the stadium, is an attractive, muscular man with short, dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He wears armour and red stripes of paint on his face.

"Behold of Thor: the Lord of Thunder!" The Grandmaster announces.

"Its God of Thunder." Thor yells back.

"Whatever." The Grandmaster days.

"Now, who you've all been waiting for... the merciless, the powerful, HULK!"

"Nooo!" I hear Loki exclaim.

I turn to the side to see Loki sitting next to the master.

Since when did he get such status?

"Hey, I know this guy. He's a friend from work." Thor says to the master.

"Loki look, its Banner." Thor say.

I nearly spit out my bourbon when I see Loki's shocked face.

I nearly spit out my bourbon when I see Loki's shocked face

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"Well this is going to be interesting." Val says.

"Indeed." I agree.

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