The Alternate Universe (1/10)

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A/N: This is a continuation of The Beginning

I cradle Rose's bloody corpse in my arms and rock myself slowly

"No, no, no, Rose." I whisper.

She tries to speak but she coughs up blood instead.

"Shh, don't try to speak." I say to her.

She holds onto my forearm and nods. She leans back into my lap and looks into my eyes. I hold her gaze as the light leaves her eyes.

"No, Rose!" I say.

"Shut up!" One gunman says.

He approaches me and aimed the gun at my face.

"One more word out of you and I'll blow your face to bits." He says, pressing the cold barrel of the gun against my cheek.

A single tear trails down my cheek and another gunman says:

"Whoa, hold on there Briant. This one is pretty,  we should take her."

"Good idea. Get up." He commands.

"I said get up!" He yells.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I say with more tears running down my face.

"Oh really?" He says.

He cocks the gun and was about to pull the trigger, when a sudden wave of energy flowed through me. I close my eyes as I lift myself off of the ground. The energy began to build in my chest and I scream out in agony.

My scream turned into a high pitch whine, making the glass shatter around me. I open my eyes and everything around me turned into debris. I see the gunmans advancing toward the exit and anger magnified my powers. I thrust my palms toward them and all of the debris flew through them. Their bodies shook
before they fell to the ground.

I fell back onto the ground and look fearfully at my hands.

"I thought they were gone," I say shakily.

Screams of agony filled my ears and snaps me out of my gaze.

"Rose," I say to myself.

I run back to where she was laying and I kneel down beside her. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my phone. I have Thax on speed dial and I silently pray that he answers. He answers the phone on the third ring.


"Thax," I croak.

"Y/N? Is everything okay?" He asks.

"No, it's Rose. She's been shot. She's not breathing and I think my powers are back." I say.

"Where are you, right now?" He asks.

"I'm at the Capital mall," I say.

"I'm on my way. Apply pressure to the wound until I get there." He says.

"I can't.. She's gone. She's.. she's gone, Thax." I say tearfully.

"We don't know that yet. How long has she stopped breathing?"

"I don't know.. just, please don't hang up." I plead.

"I won't baby. I promise." He says.

They took a little under ten minutes until they got there.

"Oh my God," Thax says.

"We're going to need as many ambulances, paramedics and firefighters to the Capital Mall in Jefferson City. There is a code R15; I repeat, there is a code R15." Thax speaks into this walkie.

"Y/N!" He yells.

"Thax!" I say.

He scans the wreckage until he saw me. Once we see each other, we run toward each other. The second my head comes into contact with his chest, I sob into it.

He pulls me closer and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm so sorry baby." He whispers into my ear.

My brain started to pulsate in my head from my lack of breath. He rubs comforting circles on my back as I continued to cry.

"Thaxter, we need your help over here!" One of his companions say.

Thaxter pulls away from me and I look up into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Stabilize him, will you? I have to make sure my girl is okay." He says.

Thax carries me bridal style to the ambulance and set me down.

"Tom!" He yells.

"Yeah!" A man yells.

"Tom, can you check her up?" Thaxter says.

Tom nods and Thaxter says:

"Tom.. you take care of her alright?"

Tom nods and Thaxter presses a kiss to my lips before disappearing back into the destructed mall.

"Are you alright? Can you hear me in both ears?" He asks.

I tune out his questions and all of the sounds around me. Flashes of Rose's bloody corpse run through my mind.

I wish that I was living someplace where there are no mutants. If I weren't a mutant, then none of this would have happened. If my mother wasn't Jean Grey and my father wasn't Wolverine. None of this would have happened! I would have been normal and I would've have a better life.

My skin started to tingle and I gasp as the sensation intensifies. The tingle sensation turned into a freezing chill whipping through my body.

I yell out in pain and suddenly, the chilled pain stopped. My eyes snap open and the scent of seasoned chicken.

"Thaxter?" I say.

Third Person's P.O.V.:

While Thaxter was healing as many survivors as he could, he felt a weird pit in his stomach. It was a constant poke that just wouldn't leave him alone.

"Y/N," He says to himself.

He finished healing someone before running outside. He looked to where he left her a few minutes ago, only to notice that she wasn't there.

"Tom, where's Y/N?" Thaxter asks.

"What are you talking about? She's right.." Tom trails off as he sees that Y/N was no longer there.

"Thax, I swear.. she was here like ten seconds ago." Tom adds.

"Y/N! Where are you!" Thax said as he ran around frantically.


"Where is she? Where is she, Tom?" Thax says as he lifts Tom off of the ground by his collar.

"I- I don't know, Thax. She was right here. I don't know what could have taken her in the ten seconds that was away from her." Tom says.

"A mutant could. You let a mutant take her, Tommy!" Thax says angrily.

"I'm sorry, Thax." Tom pleads.

"You're gonna be," Thax threatens.

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