Escape (1/5)

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A/N: This story is taken place after Infinity War, and its with one of the conspiracies of Avengers 4; that those who turned to ash are not dead but inside the soul stone. Hopefully, that is what really happened, but we'll see in 2019.


I stare at my map in deep thought with my elbow rested on my arm that is stretched across my stomach.

The first week I got in here, I traveled all around its borders to see if I could find some times of portal or ripple that can lead me out of here. But so far, I got no dice. I've been counting the days since I've been in the dumb Soul Stone, twenty one days.

Luckily though, I'm not the only one in here. There's been use of the Soul Stone by others and those they captured, are still here for years, decades and even centuries.

But one of the peculiar things is that you don't age in here either. It kind of makes you wonder what happens when- if you get out.

They all have tried to leave, and they all failed. I'm not going to let that discourage me because I have a family out there.. a family I have to keep from tearing each other apart and I have a partner that I need to take care of: Captain Marvel.

Apparently an old friend sent an emergency alert, so she stopped what she was doing and told me to get packed. And almost as if he knew what was happening, Thanos and attacked us personally. He is more powerful than anyone we've fought and when I knew we were losing, I told Carol to go. She reluctantly complied and tried to hold him off as long as I could.

I transported him to different places and made  him disorientated. I remember lodging my thumbs into his eyes before punching him in his throat. He swayed with every one of his steps and tried to swing harshly at me. Unfortunately for him, I have an indestructible exterior, so there was nothing he could do physical to hurt me.

My thoughts were disrupted by a series of flashing light coming from the sky, which only meant one thing; more souls.

I run out of the small cabin that one of the older souls built for me. There were eleven flashes of light and with each one, another body came from the sky. They all groan in pain as they all collapse the floor.

Some souls approached them, but the weren't the friendliest. Unlike most souls, they don't want to get out of here. Instead, they want to dominate each and every soul that enters here. I was not one of those souls because they didn't stand a chance against me. They are just big, dumb aliens, whereas I am a mutant with two different types of powers and a very low patience.

"Where the hell are we?" I hear a man ask.

"You're in the Soul Stone. A place that you can never escape, so you might as well make yourself comfortable." One harsh soul says.

"A place you can never escape huh?" A man asks in some gray and blue steel armor.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," A man in a red cape says.

"Okay, let's get one thing straight.. you're in a different place now. And there's a pyramid of authority in here. People abide by our rules, and those who don't, get sent to the pit." The man soul says.

"I am Groot," a tree like creature says.

"Aww, what's this? You're little guard dog?" The main soul says, kicking the tree like creature to the ground.

"Hey Graham!" I shout as I walk towards him and his crew.

"Oh buzz off, Y/N. This doesn't concern you." Graham says.

"Oh I think it does.. and no one likes a bully. Though I have a feeling that this crew won't exactly put up with your stupidity, I don't quite think they can do what I can do." I say as I finally approach them.

"You always ruin our fun, Y/N." One soul whines.

"Then perhaps you should change your definition of fun," I say.

"Run along," I add whilst shooting them off like a dog.

"You okay buddy?" I ask as I help the tree-like creature up from the ground.

"I am Groot," he says with a slight nod.

"So I take it, you're the boss around here?" One of the crew asks.

"No, there isn't really a boss. Those idiots try to be but.. they fail miserably." I say.

"And what exactly was the thing that you can do, but we can't?" A man with an African accent speaks.

I transport myself from in front of them to behind them.

"This," I say.

They all jump at my sudden voice and spin around to see me.

"You can transport?! That's so cool!" An energetic teenager says in an abnormally high pitched voice.

"Well I can make portals," The man in the red cape states.

"Have you tried to use your transporting ability to get out of here?" A man with red goggles and bird wings.

"Of course I have.. it's one of the first things I did. One of the bad things in here is that though your powers work, you can't use it to get out of here. It's not that easy." I say.

I scan the crew of new people and lock eyes with one man in particular. A man with ocean blue eyes, long dark brown hair and a scruffy beard, not to mention his metal arm. He has a neutral facial expression as he rests his gun on his shoulder. I look away from him and ask the group:

"So what are your names? Sadly, I'm not telepathic."

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