My Journey (1/6) [An X-Men Imagine]

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A/N: So this will be a Young Colossus Imagine. I've been seriously binge watching on X-Men and Colossus is the only one who really caught my eye. Mostly because of this ⬇️:

 Mostly because of this ⬇️:

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A faint creak made my eyes snap open. I sit up on my elbows and scan the dark room with heavy eyes. Nothing raised my suspicions until I saw a slight movement in the far left corner of my bedroom.

The sleep was knocked right out of me, and now I am alert.

"Who's there?" I call.

Normally, there is a constant noise coming from outside: a frog croaking or crickets chirping. But tonight, there wasn't a single sound; you could practically hear a pin drop.

"This is your last chance to show yourself before things get ugly." I add.

When no one responded, I reach over to turn on the lamp. A firm hand grabbed a hold of my wrist. From the texture of the hand, he had leather gloves on.

I grab the man's wrist with my other hand and throw him over to the other side of the bed. I jump to my feet and cross my arms to make a full body shield. The force field held only for a little while before glitching and going away completely.

"What the..." I trail off.

"You have all this security around you twenty four seven... but you don't have the sense to check what's in your food?" A snarky voice says.

I gasp when I think back to the weird tasting soup I ate for dinner.

I felt a hand on my throat and use both of my hands to squeeze his pressure point. He groans in pain and loosens his grip on my neck. I take this opportunity to twist his arm into a temporary arm bar and roundhouse kick him in the stomach before throwing him clear across the room.

I swing open the door and run out of there as fast as I could. Though I was only in my bra and underwear, I didn't care. I wanted to get the hell out of there and let my parents know.

"Mamãe?! Papai?!" I call through the halls of the palace.

As I continue to run, I notice the lack of guards posted throughout the palace; which only meant one thing: this was planned... and my parents had something to do with it.

Tears blur my vision and I feel a hard object come into contact with my head. I collapse to the floor and my head slaps against the cold tiles.  I blink slowly as I regain my vision. I hear muffled voices get closer and closer by the second.

"Come on, lets take her now before she gains back her strength," one man says.

"Wait! I have a better idea of what to do while she's weak." Another man suggests.

Almost as if the group of men haven their own nonverbal conversation, they begin chuckling. My heart races when I hear a jingle of a man's belt buckle. I lift my head up and begin to crawl away.

"Look at the princess now, scared... afraid of what we might do to her." One man taunts.

"You're not all that high and mighty now, are ya?" Another man says.

"Yeah, you're going to know what it's like to feel like you're nothing."

I pair of strong arms wrap around me and slam me onto my back. My vision still remains fuzzy but I could tell that this was the same man that attacked me in my room.

"You have a mean kick, princess." He says as he crouched down about an inch away from my face.

The stench of alcohol and nicotine assault my nose as he spoke. My brain pounded against the inside of my skull and I move my head to the side to prevent anymore inhalation of his toxin.

"Yeah... let me show you how it felt." He adds.

He stands from me and lands a single, heavy kick to my stomach. The wind leaves my lungs as bile tries to climb up my throat. My stomach clenches as he pulls his foot back to kick me again.

"Guys stop! We were only here to kidnap her and that's it. You heard what the King said if anything bad happened to her." A younger voice says.

The men huff in annoyance before one says:

"You really know how to kill a mood, man."

I gasp in relief that the man stopped but kicking me and groan as I haul myself up to my feet and use a wall for balance.

"Oh come on buddy, you've never imagined things about the princess; thought of the things you would do to her if you get her alone? Well here's your chance, it's likely we won't even get one like this ever again." The main man says, putting an arm around the younger man.

The younger man sighs before he says:

"You have ten minutes, then we're tying her up and taking her where the King and Queen wants us to,"

"W-what?" I say weakly.

"Oh, you didn't know?" The man says as he walks up to me.

"It was your Mommy and Daddy that hired us." He adds.

So it was true.. they did know about this. What kind of parents are they?

The man wraps one hand around my neck and uses the other to trail his dirty, calloused hands down my sensitive skin on my stomach. I wince at his touch and try to push him away but to stop me, he punches me in the face.

I softly groan in pain as I rest my head on the wall behind me.

"Looks like she's given up boys," he says.

Another man laughs dryly before saying:

"And here I thought she would put up more of a fight... I was actually looking forward to it."

"Oh well, the easier it is for us the better." The main man says.

He squeezes my neck before laying me on my back. He pries my legs open and fiddles with the belt of his jeans.

"No, please! I'll pay you anything you want, just please don't hurt me.*" I beg.

"You lost your family's riches the minute they found out you were a mutant. You have no grounds here... not anymore. Now you're nothing more than our whore." He spits.

My chest shook as I silently sob. Tears trail down my cheeks when I realize that there was nothing I could do to prevent this from happening.

I feel a burning sensation in my eyes and hands, which gives me a sense of relief because it means that my powers are coming back. I look up at him and place my hands on both of his temples. I scream and let the heat of the cosmos travel through my hands and into him.

He shrieks in pain as I melt whatever he had for a brain. He collapses on top of me and nudge him off so I could make the other men pay for what they were trying to do to me.

I stand up and aim my hands at the men. They try to run but I shoot beams of heat from my palms and scorched as many of them as I could. I try to turn around to burn the rest of them, but I felt a sharp sting on the side of my neck.

I groan as I pull out the sharp object. I peer down at my hand to see a small brown dart.

"Oh crap," I say before collapsing to the floor.

"I knew this would happen, that's why I told you guys just to tie her up and take her away. But you let your stupid hormones get in the way. And now Terri and half of our crew are dead, you idiots." The young man says.

More voices spoke after that but it were as if they were speaking from miles away. Black wisps cloud my vision and soon swallow my consciousness whole.

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