Adopted? (2/2)

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I learned that the man's name is Wade, and he knows how to sign! he has a girlfriend named Vanessa, she's nice but I don't trust her like I trust Wade. But they were in love, which was quite peculiar to me because Mommy said that Daddy was out of the picture.

Wade gave me a fresh pair of clothes to change into after my shower. Its been months since I had a shower so Wade had to reteach me how it worked. After I take my shower and wash my hair, I wipe the steam off of the mirror and examine myself. The towel is wrapped around my small frame and I look at my scars on my arms and the rest of my body.

I dry myself off before I change into my new clothes. I throw the clothes away and hang up my towel. My (Y/H/C) hair flows passed my rear and sways as I walk from the bathroom to living room.

"Oh my God.. she's beautiful." I hear Vanessa say.

I curtsied to her comment and she says:

"Awww! She curtsied. Wade she curtsied! She's so polite." She adds.

I walk up to Wade, who has his mask off. This didn't scare me because well... my body has scars too and this isn't the first time that I saw someone else who was damaged like me. I place my hand on the side of his face and my veins turned black. I watch as Wade sighs in relief.

"Thank you... for everything." I sign.

"No problem." He signs back.

I pull him in for a hug and I feel Vanessa's hand on my head.

"You have such pretty hair, (Y/N)." She says.

I wince at her touch and suddenly I went invisible. I run behind the kitchen counter and peeks over the side.

"Where did she go?" Vanessa asks.

"She can turn invisible too?! Fuck yeah, we're definitely adopting her." Wade says.

"Wade," She says.

"I mean, I only thought she was a healing dragon." Wade add.

"Now she's an invisible healing dragon! Come here invisible-healing-dragon." He calls.

I slowly walk out from behind the counter and turned visible. Wade sees me and scoops me up into his arms.

"You're a cool kid, you know that?.. hey, how does (Y/N) Wilson sound?" He asks.

I smile and pull him in for another hug.

"I'll take that as a yes." He says.

** Third Person's P.O.V:

"So this is your 'daughter'?" Negasonic Teenage Warhead, stating down at her.

(Y/N) waves to her out from behind Wade's leg.

"First of all, you can drop the quotes and the attitude. And second of all, yes she is. I called her my invisible-healing-dragon." Wade says, placing a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"A-and she can kick your ass if she really wanted to. She's probably the most humble out of all of us, so she wouldn't hurt anybody unless you hurt her first." He adds.

Neg looks at (Y/N) skeptically before she adds:

"She can do some damage?"

Wade nods and says:

"She kicked my ass the first time I met her."

"Well you're a pussy, so that's not saying much." Neg retorts.

"Dad, what's a pussy?" (Y/N) signs.

"It's a type of food sweetie." Wade signs back.


"Whatever, I'm just waiting until your dad gets here. So I'll be ignoring you now." She says before plugging in her earbuds.

(Y/N)'s posture slouches at Neg'a remark Ana Wade notices. He puts (Y/N) on one of his shoulders and asks:

"You want some Chimichangas?"

Her face lights up and she claps her hands together. Wade smiles at her excitement before taking her to the store to buy Chimichangas. She tugs on the bottom of his hoodie and signs:

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you more, sweetheart." He signs back.

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