Where Have You Been? (A Loki Imagine) (1/3)

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"Loki?" I ask.

"Yes, my beloved?" He says as he trails his fingertips along my bare arms.

I tuck the bedsheets underneath my arms as I lay on his firm chest.

"Why are you mad at your brother?" I ask.

I gaze into his icy blue eyes and he huffs in defeat.

"It's... long, complicated story." He admits.

"Well, I have plenty of time." I say softly as I twirl a long strand of his jet black hair in between my fingers.

He tucks his arm behind his pillow and says:

"It's more of envy than jealousy. Growing up, Father made me think that there was a chance on the thrown. He said, may the best brother win, but we all knew who the best brother was. Thor was the perfect child that everyone could ask for, and me? I was the sly, mischievous one that everyone else had to deal with. I was cursed from the start. The only person that I can recall that truly loved me was Mother."

He clenches his jaw as he thinks back to his childhood. I caress his check bone and called his name to get his attention.

"I truly love you, and quite frankly, I never liked Thor so you have nothing to worry about." I say.

His perfect, pink lips curved into a smile. Not just any smile, but that smile he does that brings out a twinkle in his eye. I love that smile.

He tucks strands of hair behind my ear and cups my cheeks. He pulls me down for a long, passionate kiss. My eyes fluttered closed as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. He lifts me onto his lap and holds me.

"Y/N?" My father calls from outside my bedroom.

I push Loki away and roll off the bed.

"Yes father?" I ask.

I motion for Loki to create an illusion that he is not here. He follows my order and I wrap a robe around my body before I open the door.

"Hi!" I say with a wide, innocent smile.

"I thought I heard another voice in here." He states.

"Nope, no other voice. Just me." I say.

"Well um... training is in thirty minutes, and you should really tell Loki to find a better illusion." He says nonchalantly.

I open my mouth to say something, but closed it soon after. I hear Loki use his magic to drop his illusion and Loki says:

"Hello Heimdall,"

"Loki, what brings such displeasure?" My Dad asks.

"Dad, be nice." I warn.

Most of Asgard knows him as Heimdall, but I only know him as Dad.

Dad never liked Loki from the start; neither did I at one point. Dad trained me to fight ever since I learned how to speak. I graduated at the top of my class but I was too much of a troublemaker to be one of the Three. Thus, I had to be in a place where not many people are there for me to terrorize. Dad got me a job as a prison guard. That's where I met Loki.

"Oh.. who is this beautiful lady?" Loki taunts.

"None of your business, my job is to keep you in your cells, not to be your friend." I snark.

"I'm starting to like you already." Loki states.

Since that day, I pretended to hate being a prison guard. When really, Loki is what I look forward to. We started to talk about our past and then we became mere acquaintances.

When the Dark Elves came to Asgard, claiming that we have what they need. Thor released Loki and Dad ordered me to go with them. Thor, Loki and I fought side by side. Thor claimed that I am one of the best fighters that he's ever seen and then I became one of the Three.

"You know, we never had a legitimate conversation where I wasn't behind bars." Loki says, walking out from behind a corner.

A small smile tugs on my lips before I say:

"That was the only way we could have a legitimate conversation."

"You're not scared of me, are you Y/N?" He taunts.

I turn to face him and cross my arms.

"That's never going to happened. You may not be in a cell, but that does no mean and that I can't put you down." I say.

He places a hand on either side of me and leaned in to say:

"Wanna test that theory?"

He reaches to tuck a curl behind my ear, but I grab his wrist.

"Sure, let's do it." I say as I push his hand away.

"If I win, I get to take you out on a date." He proposes.

"Alright... and if I win, you have to be my personal slave for a week."I say.

"Oh sweetheart, I can be your personal space any day, with no charge." He adds.

I slide my hands up his chest and grab ahold of his collar. I cock my head slightly and lean up to kiss him. Just when our lips were about to touch, I push him away and hit him with a jumping side kick.

He falls to the floor and slides into a wall.

"That was low." He says, propping himself up on his elbows.

He stands up, wipes the dirt from his hands before he walks toward me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I am snapped out of my thoughts by Loki's voice.

"Just came by to visit my beautiful girlfriend." Loki says as he drapes his arm over my shoulders.

Dad glared at him and says:

"If you don't get your arm off of her, I will cut it off."

"Dad!" I whine.

"It's okay, luv. I was actually just leaving." Loki states.

"I'll come by later." Loki whispers into my ear after he presses a kiss to my temple.

Loki puts on the remainder of his clothes before he walks out of my room.

"You cannot keep doing this. Y/N." Dad says.

"Doing what, Dad? Being happy?" I ask.

"Associating yourself with Loki. He's the God of Mischief. He's earned that title for a reason. I just don't want to see my daughter get hurt." He justifies.

"His whole life people slapped that title on him'. Anybody that is clever enough to trick those around them, are called mischievous. We've been together for months, Dad. And I understand him." I say.

He sighs in defeat before he says:

"Okay, just... make wise decisions."


I walk back to my room after training with my father. All of a sudden I feel a sharp sting in my stomach, followed by a wave of nausea. I clutch my stomach and throw up into the nearest vase. I groan as I my stomach empties out its contents.

I squabble to my room and spend the remainder of the night throwing up into my toilet.

"Miss Y/N?" A maid asks as she knocks on the door.

I groan in response and she says:

"Miss Y/N, are you alright? Should I call your father?"

"No, whatever you do, do not call my father. I'll... I'll be fine, just give me a first aid and urinary test screener." I say.

"But are you sure-"

"Yes, I'm sure. Just please go." I say before throwing up again.

The maid comes back with what I requested and I stare wide eyed as the stick turned green.

I'm pregnant with Loki's child.

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