Steve Rogers (An Avengers Endgame Story) [3/12]

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The ice has officially broken between Steve and I. We have been hanging out more often than not, so it makes sense that Nat thinks that we would become a thing. But I only see Steve and I as friends. The last few days, I have been training hard with Steve and he enjoys training with me. I guess it's because my stamina is stronger than his normal training partners.

I lay in my bed and stare up at the ceiling restlessly. My body screams that I need to sleep and rest for the training session with Steve in the morning. But my mind says that I need to stay awake because I could have another nightmare and cause another earthquake.

A yawn leaves my lips and the weight of sleep finally sinks into my body.

"Maybe I should take a power nap. It shouldn't be too bad, right?" I say to myself.

I turn on my side and pull the covers over my body. Warmth radiates on me and I sigh deeply as my eyes finally close.


"No, Mom, please don't go. Mo-"

A fierce clap of thunder shakes the ground beneath the building and I jolt awake in my bed. My shirt is soaked and my black, curly hair sticks to my neck from my sweat. A shaky breath leaves my lips and I run my fingers through my damp hair. The thunder claps mellow away and light rain droplets fall onto the Earth. I glance at the clock and I notice that I slept for three hours. Which means that the thunderstorm has been going on for three hours.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. I put my slippers and wrap a robe around my body. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottled water before I sit at the counter. The cool surface of the counter soothes the flaming warmth of skin. I take a swig of my water and look out of the large window of the kitchen to see small droplets of rain falling down at a slow and calm rate.

"Can't sleep?" Steve says.

I look around in the shadows around me and don't see him anywhere.

"Steve? Where are you?" I ask.

"Living room," he states.

I grab my bottled water and approach him in the living room. He lays on his back with his arm tucked behind his head as he stares up at the ceiling, like I was just a few hours ago.

"Seems like you can't sleep either," I say.

"I can't sleep through thunderstorms," He says with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, that was my fault. I had a nightmare, and when I have nightmares, I cause powerful thunderstorms." I explain.

"Wait, so that was you?"

I nod my head and he sits up on the couch.

"You are more powerful than I thought. I thought it was Thor." He adds.

I chuckle before I say:

"Nope, it was me."

There was a momentary silence and Steve sits upright on the couch. He pats the spot next him and I sit down next to him.

"So the storms only happen when you have nightmares?" He asks, leaning his elbows on his knees.

"Yes, it has been this way since I was a teenager, and it has gotten worse ever since." I explain.

"When was the last time you actually slept?" He asks.

"Like two weeks ago,"

"Two weeks?" He asks in disbelief.


"How do you not have insomnia?"

"Good question, I have no idea. I guess drink too many Mountains Dews and Monsters to tell if I'm sleepy." I say with a wry chuckle.

"Well, what normally calms you?" He asks.

"I don't know.. warmth, I guess. I normally slept along side my mom because, in my mind, I know that I am not alone; so I sleep better ninety point nine percent of the time." I say.

"And what about the point one percent?" He say with a cute smile.


"So you need someone to lay next to you while you sleep?" He suggests.


"I could do that,"

"No, you don't have to do that, Steve. I don't want to become a burden."

"You'll never be a burden to me- to anyone- if anything, we're the burdens." He starts.

"The day that Captain America becomes a burden will never come. Just thought that you would know that." I say.

I look up to meet his gaze as he looks at me with a twinkle of admiration in his eyes. I tuck one of my curls behind my ear and he says:

"Do you want to try go back to sleep?"

"I can try," I say, lying on my back.

Steve lays down next to me with a soft sigh and lays how he was previously. His body presses mine into the back of the couch and when he notices this, he says:

"Oh, I'm sorry."

He lays on his side so that his back is facing me and I do the same, but I still feel uncomfortable.

"Are you comfortable?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm great." He says in strain.

I see his back muscles tense under his gray tank top, which leads me to believe that he was tensing up his muscles so that he didn't fall off the couch.

"Okay, you're clearly not comfortable. We don't have to do this, Steve. I'm fine pulling another all-nighter." I say, sitting up from the couch.

"Wait, I think I have a better idea." He says, turning in his side to face me.

He pulls me so that I am leaning into his chest and his chin is resting on top of my head. His bodily warmth radiates on to my body as his arms wrap around my small frame. How his chest softly rises and falls in perfect sync of his breathes, calms me and therefore calms the rain. When the rain stops, Steve says:

"So I'm guessing that this is working."

I hum in response and wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him closer.

"You're really warm," I say.

"Thank you,"

My eyes slowly start to close and minutes later, I was asleep.

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