Bumps and Bruises (4/4)

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Third Person P.O.V.:

Tony, Peter and Banner all check their computers in hopes that their algorithms have found her. Steve and Natasha have been searching for any possible signs that point to which direction they took (Y/N). But Bucky, he just sits in the compound, staring at a picture of when (Y/N) was four years old.

Tears swell up in his eyes but he wiped them away before they could stream down his face.

Steve and Natasha walk in and Wanda asks:


Steve nods his head no and looks at Bucky.

"How's he holding up?" He asks.

"He's been looking at pictures of (Y/N) all day... he said that no one should speak to him unless they found her." She answers.

"I'll go check on the boys, see if they found anything." Natasha says.

"I'll go with," Wanda says before following her to where Banner, Peter and Tony worked.

Steve next to Bucky and Bucky says:

"I should have been more strict.."

"Bucky, this was bound to happen. This could have happened with you, me, Natasha, Tony- any of us. If HYDRA was hell bent on finding her to get to you, they would definitely be using everything they could to capture her." Steve says.

"She wouldn't have ever left my sight, not even for a second. I trained her so hard before she could go out by herself. I trusted her and believed in her, she knew that. She probably fought as hard as she could and the boy left her to fight alone. He should have used something-did something to keep an eye on her." Bucky says.

"For all we know, she could be dead. HYDRA could have killed her to get back to me for running away." He adds.

"Don't think like that, Buck." Steve says.

"I found her!" Banner says.

Steve and Bucky jump up and run into the computer lab.

"Where?" Peter, Bucky and Steve says in unison.

"She's at 39.0597° N, 94.8836° W." Banner answers.

"She's in Bonner Springs, Kansas." Tony adds.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bucky says.

"Let's suit up," Steve adds.


It's been a week since the team rescued (Y/N) from HYDRA. They've had her for almost a week, a week full of torture and (Y/N) was no where near her breaking point.

Though the pain was unbearable, she did one thing to help her through it. She thought of Bucky and what torturous things he had been through before he met her. What pain he must have been through to have his metal arm.

Then she thought about what Bucky would do to those scientists once he found her. It's a shame that she was unconscious during the whole thing.

Steve broke her out of the restraints and carried her from the warehouse to the compound to her house. Nobody let her out of their sight, not even for a second.

(Y/N) wouldn't sleep- she couldn't. It seemed like whenever she closed her eyes, she would see those scientist contemplating on which part of her body to corrupt next.

It was just about time to go to bed when Steve and Bucky walk into (Y/N)'s room. They leaned against the door frame with their crossed arms as they looked at (Y/N).

"Guys, you really don't have to watch over my while I sleep. I'm perfectly fine." She says as she sets the bed.

"Ri-i-ight, because screaming yourself awake at night is totally normal." Bucky states sarcastically.

"I'll deal with it," She says.

"You don't have to deal with this alone... it took me years to actually sleep well at night after what they did... to me." Bucky states.

"I didn't have anyone then, and I wish I did. Whether you like it or not, you have depend on someone, especially in times like these." He adds.

"Fine.. then I want to depend on Peter," She says.

Bucky bursts out laughing and Steve and (Y/N) exchange a look before staring at Bucky.

"You really think that I am going to let that link back into the house after what he did?" He asks.


"No, don't 'Dad' me. He wasn't watching you hard enough and he got you kidnapped." Bucky snaps.

"Well I have you two here as a precautions, in case something else happens. But hopefully it won't come to that." She says.

"She has a point, Buck." Steve reassures.

"I am never going to trust the boy alone with you again. If he even thinks of being alone with you, I'll kill him myself." Bucky threatens.

(Y/N) flares at Bucky and Steve notices the tension between the two.

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation tomorrow morning and call it a night." Steve says as he lays on the bed.

(Y/N) lays in the middle and Steve and Bucky lay near the edges of the bed with their backs towards her.

Bucky falls asleep, leaving Steve and (Y/N) as the only ones that are awake.

"Steve?" She says.

He hums in response.

"Could you.. would you mind if...?" She trails off, trying to find the right words to not sound weird.

Thankfully, Steve caught on and lays on his back.

"Come here," He says.

She lays on his chest and rubs comforting circles on her back. She starts to silently sob against his chest.

"Shhhhh, it's okay. You're safe now." He reassures.

"I never thought I would get out of there alive." She croaks.

Steve presses a kiss against her hair and rests his chin on top of her head.

"They won't ever lay a hand on you again. I promise." He says.

That night, (Y/N) finally slept through the night without screaming herself awake. She chose Steve to depend on instead of Peter and even though that Peter could never touch her without being attacked by Bucky and the rest of the Avengers.

(Y/N) and Peter's puppy love still remained, but it could never be anything more than a distant relationship with no possible way of touching. And we all know how those relationships turn out.

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