The Alternate Universe (2/10)

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Y/N's P.O.V.:
"Hey, what are you doing in there? Get out." A man in an African accent says.

"Huh?" I say as I stand up.

As I look around my surroundings, I notice that I am in a meat locker of some sort. I stand up with a groan and check myself for any injuries.

"How long have you been in here?" The man asks.

"Uh.. I don't- I don't know, a couple of seconds?" I answer.

"No, that's impossible. I've been here all day and not once have I seen you come through the door. Believe me when I say that I would remember a face as beautiful as yours." He says.

"Really? You're flirting with me at a time like this?" I ask.

"I'll take any chance I can get." He says.

"Well about no chance. I'm taken." I say as I walk passed him.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Washington D.C." He answers.

"Great, that's all I need to know. Thank you, bye." I say.

"Bye beautiful," He says.

Before I took another step, I ask:

"Actually, do you mind if I use your phone?"

"Sure," He says, handing me the phone.

Luckily I know Thaxter's and Rose's number by heart. But I guess now, the only one I can actually call is Thaxter.

I typed Thaxter's number in and my heart skips a beat as I hear him pick up the phone.

"Hello?" He asks, his voice lighter than normal.

"Hey baby," I say.

"'Baby'? Who's this?" He asks.

"It's me, Y/N."

"Lady, I have never met a person named 'Y/N' in my life. I think you have the wrong number." He answers.

"No, no, no. Wait, you're Thaxter right?" I ask.

"No I'm not. And I'm not tell you who I am either. Call this number again and I'll call the police." He says before hanging up.

I hand the African man his phone and made my way towards the exit of the African Jerky Restaurant. I ignore the looks of everyone wondering where there was so much dust and blood on my clothes.

I step outside and instantly smell the familiarity of sewage and pollution. The night sky had stars scattered through it. And being alone any city is not a good thing.

I ask more than one person if they know a homeless shelter near by and they all said that they were closed or filled to the brim. I asked if there the Sister of Patience Orphanage was still around, and they told me that it never was.

I sigh with defeat before walking into an alleyway. I sit down next to a dumpster and tuck my knees toward my chest. I rest my face against my knees. It only took a few moments before my eyes weighed with sleep.


"Well will you look at that," a man whispers.

My eyes snap open at the sound of his voice.

"A full course meal right before our eyes." Another man whispers.

I snap my head up to see four men standing in front of me. The lack of lighting didn't allow me to see their faces. Judging by the lack of cars driving down the street, it must be early in the morning.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble." I say, standing from the dumpster.

"Neither do we. We just want to have a fun time. The less you scream and commotion you make, the funner it is." A man states.

My eyes widen at the realization of what they were insinuating.

"N-no," I say, backing into a wall.

I raise my hands and hope for my powers to kick in, but it doesn't. The man laughs before pinning my arms above my head. He buries his warm, sweaty face against my breasts and I say:

"Stop it,"

Another man works to get off my pants and I scream:

"No! No please, help! Someone please help me!"

The man lets go of my wrist and punches me across my face. My teeth chatter at the impact and I begin to whimper.

"One word out of you, and I'll put somethin' in that pretty lil' mouth of your to keep you quiet." He whispers in my ear.

Tears escape my eyes and he says:

"No, baby don't cry. This'll feel good in a minute."

He pulls me to the ground and another man holds my arms down while the others take off his pants.

My body began to shake as I cry silently.

"Hey! What's going on here?" A man yells.

I look into the shadows to see that the man was a good six inches taller than the other guys, and thicker too. Not thick in the sense of fat, but in the sense of muscle.

"What do you think you're doing to this woman?" The larger man asks in a low, threatening voice.

"What does it look like? We've having f-" the larger man punches him before he could finish his sentence.

This signals the other men to attack him. The larger man quickly dodges their blows and hit them with a killer uppercut. He picked up the last guy and threw him against the dumpster.

The larger man breathes heavily as he approaches me. I abruptly stand up and grab my pants that were on the floor.

"Hey, it's okay.. I'm not here to hurt you, alright?" The man says softly.

I eye him skeptically and he says:

"My name is Steve Rogers. What's your name?"

"Y/N... Y/N Grey." I tell him.

"Well Abbott, what brings you out this early in the morning?" He asks.

"If I tell you, you'd think I'm crazy." I explain.

"Try me. I consider myself to be very.. openminded." He states.

I cover my lower half in shame that I was almost.. I quickly pull on my jeans and comb my fingers through my hair anxiously. The man notices and says:

"Do you have a place to stay?"

I shake my head no.

"Have you eaten?"

I shake my head no again.

"Is there someone I can call?"

"I already tried, and the phone number belong to somebody else. I have no one." I say, keeping myself from breaking down.

"Well you can stay at my place until we do," he says.

"Oh no, I can't.. I can't let you do that. I don't want to become a burden-." I say frantically.

"You are far from a burden, Miss Y/N." He interrupts.

He motions me to follow him and I comply. We continued to walk on the sidewalks toward Steve's apartment. I tell him about how I got here and he has promised that we would help as much as he can to get me back home. I doze off a little and rub the sides of my arms soothingly.

My blood runs cold in my veins as I hear the sound of a zipper unzipping. Before I could even react, a sense of warm fell over my shoulders. I glance to see that it was the leather jacket that Steve was wearing.

I look up to Steve smiles sweetly down at me. I take this moment to take in most of his features. His ocean blue eyes that twinkled under the early morning sky and his dirty blonde hair that is styled perfectly atop of his head. The way his tan, long sleeve shirt compliments his tone and muscular body.

Maybe this Washington D.C.  wasn't too bad after all.

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